The Minister of Social Development, Lindiwe Zulu, has given details on how Special Relief of Distress grant payments will work this time around.
The Sassa R350 grant will be paid into a bank account. The new process will now request that applicants provide their banking details upfront so that SASSA can process payment as soon as the applicants meet the criteria.
If you do not have a bank account, you will then be able to fetch your grant money from a Post Office or a Bank Mobile Money Transfers (cash send).
The bank account or cellphone number being used for payment must be registered in the name of the applicant.
During her briefing, the Minister said:
The system developed over the past year has been improved to manage the numbers of applicants and payments monthly. In addition, improvements continue to be made to improve the service to applicants.
She continued to say that SASSA and the South African Post Office are hard at work developing additional channels through which approved applicants can access their funds as the post offices will no longer be distributing Sassa grants. This has led to beneficiaries being allowed access to their funds through participating merchants and ATMs.
Click here to read the Minister's full Re-Introduction Of The Special Covid-19 SRD Grant speech.