The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) distributes a number of different social grants to people living in South Africa. This includes grants for children, older person grants, disability grants and the R350 SRD grant.
The Older Person's Grant provides some financial assistance to people who are 60 years and older as they may no longer be able to work.
The grant is commonly referred to as the pensioner's grant and is worth a maximum of R2 080 per month while those who are older than 75 years old will receive up to R2 100 per month.
People who qualify for the Sassa Older Person's Grant need to meet certain criteria. There is a set of requirements that the person needs to meet in order to receive the grant.
To qualify for the Older Person's Grant the applicant must:
- Be a South African citizen, permanent resident or refugee.
- Be a resident in South Africa.
- Not be less than 60 years.
- Not be in receipt of another social grant for him or herself.
- The applicant and spouse must comply with the means test, which stipulates that a beneficiary should not be earning over R86 280 if single, or over R172 560 if married.
- Not be maintained or cared for in a State Institution.
- Submit a 13 digit bar-coded identity document.
If the above criteria is not met, the applicant will not qualify and will not receive this grant.
Find out more about Sassa's Older Person's Grant via their official webpage.