
Quicklinks: Login NSFAS | NSFAS Status | Apply for NSFAS | My NSFASNSFAS Portal | Funding Eligible | NSFAS Appeal | NSFAS Missing Middle Loan | NSFAS Login InMy NSFAS Login | NSFAS Consent Form For SARS | Will NSFAS Open Again For Late Applications |

NSFAS is the National Student Financial Aid Scheme NSFAS which provides financial aid in the form of a bursary fund for higher education students through NSFASNSFAS online application and registration opens in the later part of the year for students with the NSFAS closing date usually being in the next calendar year.

NSFAS gives bursaries and loans to students from poor and working class backgrounds which goes beyond just paying for your fees. They’ll also pay the NSFAS students' registration, accommodation, transport, books through NSFAS allowances using the NSFAS bank account.

So what are the NSFAS requirements?

The most important NSFAS bursary requirement for financial eligibility is that your household income should come to R350 000 or less per year. This means that if you add up everyone’s salaries in your house for the year and it comes to over R350 000, you won’t qualify.

If you are a student living with a disability and you're wanting financial aid, this household income threshold is R600 000 per annum.

For NSFAS loans, your household income must be between R350 001 and R600 000.

What does NSFAS funding cover?

NSFAS financial aid gives bursaries to students from poor and working-class backgrounds which goes beyond just paying for your fees. They'll also provide financial support for your registration and tuition fees, accommodation, transport, and books.

NSFAS funded students living in self-catering residence will also benefit from receiving monthly living allowances and is perfect for working class families.

This financial aid is for any NSFAS students studying at one of the 26 public universities or one of the 50 technical vocational education and training colleges. If you are successful with your application you will be funded for your whole multi-year qualification if you meet the academic eligibility.

NSFAS loans are now also an option for missing middle students who don't qualify for a bursary.

How does NSFAS applications work?

Usually, university students and future students will submit their NSFAS online application for a NSFAS bursary using myNSFAS in hopes of becoming NSFAS beneficiaries. You will receive funding if you meet the financial eligibility criteria. It is widely communicated when applications open and information provided will explain when the closing date is as well.You will hopefully find the NSFAS online application process to be a simple one.

Being that NSFAS is the most sought-after bursary funding scheme in the country, many students who require funding will be forced to practice patience whilst awaiting confirmation for funding. Nonetheless, having NSFAS funding proves extremely beneficial to students in financial need.

To submit a NSFAS funding application through the National Student Financial Aid Scheme Nsfas, you will need to create a myNSFAS account and do a myNSFAS account login. Then you will submit your supporting documents. It is important to submit the correct information because if Nsfas investigations find differing information even students who were initially funded can later be rejected. They even say they will take legal action against applicants who give incorrect information.

You will then need to provide the required details such as your ID number and your own cellphone number and other personal details about you before the application closing date. Then, you will need to submit supporting documents such as your ID document with your NSFAS online application form.

NSFAS filtering your application will then be NSFAS conducting third party checks with the home affairs database and SARS to check things such as your combined household income. This is their way of checking if you qualify for NSFAS funding.

Check NSFAS Status

It's therefore important for NSFAS applicants to constantly check their NSFAS status and on the myNSFAS screen, upload all the documents NSFAS needs for their NSFAS bursary online application to be valid. We have full details for you on how to check your NSFAS status. NSFAS funding is based on their higher education admission status and NSFAS will then mark your NSFAS status as 'awaiting registration' after there has been qualifications validation.

How To Create A myNSFAS Login Account

Creating a myNSFAS account is the first step to starting your NSFAS funding journey with the National Student Fin We hancial Aid Scheme. You will need this myNSFAS account to apply, check your NSFAS application status and to keep up with your NSFAS journey.

You can create a myNSFAS account by going to the NSFAS website, clicking on myNSFAS and providing NSFAS with the information they require.

How To Log Into Your myNSFAS Account

Doing your myNSFAS login, account details such as your ID number and myNSFAS password will need to be entered. It's important that you don't share your myNSFAS account login details with anyone and to keep it safe and secure.

For NSFAS beneficiaries, their myNSFAS account is very important. You will be signed up for one of the financial providers Nsfas negotiated with to distribute allowances. It is important to consider money transfer costs whenever you make a withdrawal or transfer. These are similar to bank charges.

How To Contact NSFAS

You can reach NSFAS through their toll-free number: 08 000 67327.

Careers Portal has everything you need to know about NSFAS, NSFAS applications and NSFAS allowances.

NSFAS-funded students assume they automatically receive funding for their second year of funding. However, this is contingent on several factors.

Thousands of students will benefit from NSFAS loans. Here's how long they will have to repay the NSFAS loan.

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has released their eligibility criteria and conditions for financial aid. NSFAS has confirmed that it will provide funding to students who have received partial bursaries from external sources.

Thousands of students submit NSFAS loan applications in hopes of gaining financial assistance to study further. NSFAS revealed which allowances students will received. 

Thousands of students apply for NSFAS loans. Many of these applicants have received a 'Loan In Progress' NSFAS status.

Once you've applied for NSFAS, the wait to find out if your application has been approved can be nerve-wracking. Luckily, NSFAS has made it easy to track your application status online using your ID number.

NSFAS has made the NSFAS accommodation portal available for students to submit a NSFAS accommodation online application. Here's a guide on how to apply for accommodation on the NSFAS portal.

Thousands of students rely on the funding provided by NSFAS to cover expenses related to their tertiary education. Here's how they can secure accommodation paid for by NSFAS. 

Deciding how to fund your studies can be tricky, which is why we have cleared up the difference between NSFAS and Fundi for you.

Thousands of students apply for NSFAS funding annually. The government bursary scheme has revealed what a 'provisionally funded - funded subject to registration and availability of funds' NSFAS status means.

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Post-Matric Options


We helped you with past papers for your matric exams, so hopefully you are happy with your Matric results. So now you are faced with a lot of post-matric options that can shape your future paths. You might want to study law, teaching, or nursing. Of course studying is expensive so we have helpful advice about student loans, NSFAS bursaries, Fundi loans, ISFAP, and lots of other funding options.

These options range from pursuing higher education at universities , TVET Colleges or  private colleges, finding student accommodation, entering vocational training programs (like Learnerships and internships), joining the workforce, or even starting your own business. There are so many choices but we are here to help.


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