NSFAS Explains Funding Eligible Meaning
NSFAS is a bursary scheme funded by the Department of Higher Education and Training for those who are in financial need and are looking for funding so that they can study further. NSFAS funding covers student related expenses such living allowances, transport and other learning materials.
NSFAS applications need to be submitted on the NSFAS website. Once you have successfully submitted your NSFAS application you will need to check your NSFAS application status to see if your Nsfas funding has come through.
Only public universities or TVET Colleges fall under the Department of Higher Education and Training so they are the only places where NSFAS bursaries are approved.
Funding Eligible
If the status you see reads Funding Eligible this means simply that you are eligible for funding i.e. you will receive funding from NSFAS. However the way that NSFAS works is that the tuition fees (school fees) are not paid to you, they are paid to the university or TVET College directly.
If the status show Funding Eligible it means specifically that you are eligible for funding but a university or TVET college has not approved you for admission yet. This will normally be the case when you first apply at the start of the application season. If you haven't received your Matric results yet it is too soon for the university or TVET College to formally accept your application even though you are one of the eligible students.
So if you see the status Funding Eligible or Application Approved Funding Eligible you can relax about paying for your degree or diploma studies - and turn all your attention to doing as well as possible in your exams as you don't have to worry about Nsfas funding. Once you get an admission offer from the college or university the financial aid scheme will approve your study funding.
Some people will be asked to submit supporting documentation along with a certified copy of their ID document if NSFAS doesn't have all the information you need. If you an submit the supporting documents as soon as possible they will be able to finalise the financial assistance a soon as possible.
Funding Eligible Without Admission
If your NSFAS application status reads 'Funding Eligible Without Admission', it means that your funding application has been approved but NSFAS is still waiting on confirmation from the University or College you applied to.
Your NSFAS application status will change to 'Funding With Admission Offer', which means that you have been funded and received admission confirmation. This could take a bit of time as there could be communication issues between NSFAS and the University or College.
The next step would be for NSFAS to pay the tuition fees directly to the university or TVET College.
If your NSFAS application status does not change then you can contact NSFAS by clicking here.
Click Here To Learn How To Check Your NSFAS Application Status
Learn More About NSFAS Application Status Here
Recap: What Does Funding Eligible Mean?
The summary is that you are eligible for funding and if you are offered, and accept, a place at a university or college it will be funded by NSFAS.