Phase 4 Of Teaching Assistants Programme Has Begun, Will There Be More?

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Phase 4 of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI), particularly the Basic Education Employment Initiative (BEEI), is currently underway according to the Basic Education Department. This sees unemployed youth take on the role of teacher assistants and general school assistants.

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The Presidential Youth Employment Initiative (PYEI), which began on 1 February 2023, aimed to provide job opportunities for the youth and contribute to improved learning outcomes in schools through the Basic Education Employment Initiative (BEEI).

During the implementation of Phase 1 to 3 of the initiative over 850 000 job opportunities were created for the youth throughout the country. 

Recruitment Targets of Phase 4 of The PYEI-BEEI

In Phase 4, the target was set at 255 000 job opportunities distributed among the nine provinces.

The first cohort of approximately 150 000 youth began on 1 February 2023 while the second cohort of 105 000 youth started on 1 May 2023. However, KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape provinces appointed single cohorts on different dates.

The PYEI-BEEI is looking to leverage the presence of public schools in every community to provide job opportunities to vulnerable youth who would otherwise have to leave their communities to access employment elsewhere. 

Inclusivity was a key pillar of the initiative, with a focus on recruiting youth living with disabilities and prioritising female candidates. The government encouraged schools to hire youth from the communities where the schools were located, reducing transportation costs for the employees.

How Much BEEI Teaching Assistants Get Paid

The youth employed through the initiative currently receive a monthly stipend of R4,081.44, aligned with the legislated minimum wage threshold. The employment categories include: 

  • Curriculum Assistants
  • Reading Champions
  • E-Cadres
  • Care and Support Assistants
  • sports and enrichment assistants
  • and handymen and women.

To ensure the youth gained the necessary skills for the job market, orientation and training were prioritised. Various training programs were also offered through partnerships with organisations such as NEMISA, the University of Johannesburg, Digify Africa, MTN, and Anglo American.

The training covered topics like digital literacy, artificial intelligence, online safety, and specific trade skills for handymen.

Special training was planned for youth placed in special schools to enhance learner participation and inclusion. The Department of Basic Education aimed to provide skills training to assistants living with disabilities as part of the project.

The DBE adds that it remained committed to monitoring the impact of the PYEI-BEEI on the sector. It also sought suitable partners to provide ongoing training to the youth and create pathways for their future opportunities. 

The department also expressed its welcome to all the youth involved in the initiative and emphasised the potential for these job opportunities to lead to even greater achievements.

As Phase 4 draws to a close on 31 September 2023, the department has said it will continue its efforts to support educators, improve learning outcomes, and explore new avenues for youth employment and development.

Phase 4 is however the final phase of the initiative with no word on plans to extend it having been given.

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Teachers assistant programme underway

The fourth phase of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative is currently underway at schools across the country and is set to come to an end later in the year. However, calls to have the programme extended have increased. 

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