How To Submit A Sassa SRD Grant Appeal For December 2023

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Have you applied for the R350 grant for December but then you were rejected? You might still have a chance to benefit from the R350 grant by submitting a Sassa appeal.

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Every month, Sassa receives millions of applications for the Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant. However, not everyone who applied will be successful and receive SRD grant payments.

Sassa gives unsuccessful applicants a second chance by applying to have their SRD grant application reconsidered by submitting an appeal. These appeals are meant for those who were rejected unfairly.

Appeals for the SRD grant can only be submitted online. Here's how to submit a R350 grant appeal for December 2023:

How To Submit An SRD Grant Appeal

  1. Go to the SRD grant appeals Sassa website
  2. Click on the green bar that says 'click here to lodge an appeal or check appeal status'
  3. Enter your ID number
  4. Enter your cellphone number
  5. Click 'send pin' and wait for the SMS which will contain the verification pin
  6. Enter the pin and click 'submit'
  7. Select the month you are submitting an appeal for
  8. Select the drop down arrow and choose the reason for your appeal 
  9. Click 'submit'

Once you've submitted your appeal, you're going to want to do a Sassa status check to track your SRD grant appeal status.

How To Track Your SRD Grant Appeal Status

  1. Go to Sassa Appeals Website
  2. Enter ID number
  3. Enter telephone number
  4. Track appeal

​​​​​​Appeals about Sassa social grants are lodged with the Social Development Independent Tribunal who are an independent tribunal who handle all Social Assistance appeals. Because they specialise in appeals they can ensure things run smoothly and they allow you to appeal electronically.

You can also call the Sassa Call Centre on their cellphone number which is 0800 601 011. You can ask them about your 350 Sassa grant appeal.

The outcome of your appeal will be relayed through a confirmation message via SMS.

You can read our complete guide on how to make a grant appeal to Sassa. The Sassa appeal for R350 payment dates is usually handled within a few weeks. If your SRD status check declined appeal you will still be able to appeal again the following month.

When you want to check your appeal status we are here to help you with a comprehensive guide to the Sassa appeal process.

There is also a video with details on the Sassa appeal process.

You will also like our article When Will I Know If My SRD Grant Was Approved?

Once you have submitted your appeal to Sassa you need to make sure that you check on the status of your appeal.

Why Your SRD Grant Might Have Been Rejected

The main requirement for the grant is that you receive no other income, grants, UIF money or NSFAS. If you receive any of these, you would not have been approved then.

Then, you might have been rejected and told that you are 'IRP5 Registered'. This means that databases are picking you up as someone who pays tax which means you're receiving an income. 

If the reason you were rejected says that you're receiving UIF and you're not, this could be that the database is picking up old UIF payments or such.

To find out more about Sassa grants, head to our Sassa section.

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