Department Confirms 2024 Matric Exams Are Progressing Well

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There are thousands of learners participating in their final school exams. The first week of the exams was relatively smooth with several incidents reported in the Eastern Cape.

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The Department of Basic Education (DBE) says no serious incidents were reported in the first week of the 2024 National Senior Certificate (NSC) exams. In a statement, the department said it was satisfied with the progress of the exams. 

Matric exams commenced on Monday, 21 October 2024, with English Paper 3, which will be written by the majority of the matric class of 2024. A total of 727,121 full-time and 155,215 part-time candidates are registered for the exams.

The DBE thanks stakeholders for their efforts to ensure the smooth running of the 2024 matric exams. Several challenges occurred during the first week of exams. 

The Department of Basic Education is satisfied with the progress of the 2024 National Senior Certificate Examinations following a successful first week which proceeded with no serious incidents reported.


On Tuesday, 22 October 2024, learners were scheduled to write the Computer Applied Technology (CAT) exams. However, 319 pupils in the Eastern Cape could not complete their exams. 

Severe weather conditions in the province caused power outages that disrupted the scheduled CAT practical exam. This as the CAT exam requires the use of computers and electricity. 

Parliament's portfolio committee on basic education, which oversees the readiness of matric examinations, expressed satisfaction with the department’s preparedness and handling of the situation.

Department spokesperson Elijah Mhlanga revealed that contingency plans were already in place before 22 October and will now be implemented. 

As part of our contingency plans for practical subjects, alternative arrangements were already in place. The 319 pupils who were unable to sit for the exam will now write it on 28 October, a date prepared months ago.

It wasn't only the 319 learners who faced challenges in the Eastern Cape. 

The DBE expressed its gratitude to the South African Police Service (SAPS) in the province for transporting NSC candidates who were trapped by floods. 

The learners were transported safely to the SAPS Nyala and were able to write their exams on time. 

This year's matic exams will continue until 28 November 2024. 

Matriculants Warned Against Cheating 

The DBE has urged all stakeholders to continue encouraging, supporting and working towards the success of the matric exams. 

The department urges all candidates to continue their commitment to an examination that is free of cheating. Invigilators are also required to exercise vigilance when executing their duty. 

Mhlanga warned matric candidates against cheating in the exams as it comes with devastating consequences. 

Please don't get involved in irregularities because they are not necessary, or avoidable, they could derail your plans and they could also you know negatively affect your family because of the stress that comes with that

The 2024 Matric results will be announced by Minister Gwarube on 15 January 2025, and will be available at exam centres the following day, 16 January 2025.

Preparing For Matric Exams 

Learners are encouraged to prepare adequately for the matric exams. The Careers Portal provides resources including matric past papers, dedicated to making the matric year easier for grade 12s. We want to make sure that all grade 12 students have an easy and convenient way to gain access to the resources they need in order to succeed during their exams.

You'll be able to find everything you need from matric rewrite, matric results, study guides, matric past exam papers, matric timetables, tips, advice and more.

Don't forget the all-important Matric Results.

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matric exams

The Matric Class of 2024 are now writing their final National Senior Certificate examinations. This year sees over 800 000 candidates sit to write their 2024 final matric exams.

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