University of Pretoria Received 100% Pass Rate In SAICA ITC Exams

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The 2020 final year students at the University of Pretoria achieved an unprecedented pass rate in the SAICA ITC exams.


The University of Pretoria has made history with its 2020 final year students achieving a 100% pass rate in the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) April Initial Test of Competence (ITC) exams.

Every year SAICA administers two professional exams. The university obtained a 100% pass rate for first-time writers and an overall pass rate of 99.4% for all candidates.

Due to these results, the University of Pretoria retained first place in South Africa. 

The overall national pass rate in the 2021 exam was 64%. A total of 3 887 students wrote the April 2021 ITC, of which 2 507 passed. The University of Pretoria contributed 174 students to the examinations.

The university’s pass rate averages at 94% over the past 15 years, which makes it one of the most consistent universities in South Africa.

Professor Madeleine Stiglingh, Head: Department of Accounting and the Chartered Accountancy Programme Coordinator said: “Not only did the number of African black candidates from UP increase but, for the first time, our pass rate for our African black, coloured and Indian students is an unprecedented 100%, and it is higher than the pass rate of the white candidates (99%). The number of African black candidates increased by 7% while the pass rate increased from 86% in 2020 to 100% in 2021. The national pass rate for all African black candidates is 52%. UP’s pass rate is not only substantially higher but UP achieved the highest pass rate in the country for our African black candidates (100%).”

Prof Stiglingh thanked the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences and the university’s management teams for their support “to enable us to empower our BCom Accounting Sciences and Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences students with everything they require to FLY not only at UP but to FLY high when they launch into the world of work”. 

The FLY@UP campaign stands for the Finish Line is Yours which encourages students to complete their qualifications within the minimum prescribed time so that they may find work and contribute to the economy as soon as they can.

Professor Elsabé Loots, the Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, commended Professor Johan Oberholster, the 2020 CA Coordinator, the Heads of the Departments of Accounting, Auditing, Financial Management and Taxation, and all the lecturing staff on such stellar achievement.

“We are extremely proud of the performance of our students in the latest ITC results that clearly demonstrate that UP continues to be one of the leaders in the education of chartered accountants,” said Prof Loots.

A delighted Professor Tawana Kupe, Vice-Chancellor and Principal of UP, congratulated the students. 

Prof Kupe stated, “we are delighted with this pass rate. Our students achieved an amazing pass rate in the midst of a pandemic. You have shown resilience and tenacity."

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