Last Chance To Apply For ISFAP Bursary For 2024

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If you are planning on studying further and you need a bursary, you should definitely check out the bursary offered by the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP). 2024 bursary applications are open but will be closing soon.

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The Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP) provides bursaries to students who come from poor and working class backgrounds, including the missing middle. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Well, 2024 bursary applications are open so be sure to apply as soon as you can as ISFAP applications are closing soon.

Applications will close on 31 October.

What is the ISFAP bursary?

The ISFAP bursary is a well-rounded bursary offered to students and prospective students who cannot afford to pay their own fees. 

ISFAP Bursary Supports Missing Middle Students

ISFAP was established in response to the Fees Must Fall Movement which emphasises the need for higher education funding. With gaps still existing in funding, this is where ISFAP steps in and where the term 'missing middle' approaches.

The missing middle refers to students who don't qualify for the NSFAS bursary due to their household incomes being over R350 000 per annum, the main NSFAS requirement, but they aren't able to afford to pay their own fees. ISFAP then caters to these students.

What does it cover?

The ISFAP bursary covers your tuition fees, accommodation, food, learning materials such as your calculator and textbooks, a living allowance and pocket money. They also provide non-academic student support in the form of a project manage being available to support you, tutorial support, life support, admin support, life skills training as well as staff mentors.

This is what ISFAP refers to as wrap-around support as their funding support goes further than just your fees.

What are the requirements?

In order to qualify for an ISFAP bursary, you need to:

  • Have a household income which falls between R0 and R600 000
  • Meet academic criteria and registration, which vary per institution but will include:
    • A National Benchmarking Test for some institutions (academic and behavioral strength)
    • Matric results
    • Funder constraints (that meet individual funder objectives) which will be applied to students applying
  • Registered for courses at universities which fall under ISFAP's areas of study that they fund

How to submit your ISFAP bursary application

  1. Go to the ISFAP application website
  2. Complete the online application form
  3. Upload supporting documents 
    • Certified ID Copy of the Applicant
    • Certified Copy of Latest Academic Results (Grade 11 or Matric)
    • Certified Proof of Income
  4. Download and complete the Consent Form (Applicant and Household Contributors) and certify by Commissioner of Oaths 

Once submitted, your application will be added to a database which will be used to pair qualifying students that match donor/ISFAP criteria. ISFAP will keep you informed regarding the status of your application.

To find out more about ISFAP, head to our ISFAP page.

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