Mpumalanga now has thousands of matriculants waiting for results day to come. This year saw over 800 000 candidates partake in their final NSC exams.
The Mpumalanga Department of Education is targeting a 83% matric pass rate for the Class of 2024.
MEC for the Mpumalanga Department of Education, Ms. Cathy Dlamini, said:
We extend our gratitude to all the stakeholders who contributed towards the smooth writing of these examinations. We also want to appreciate the role played by parents and community members in creating a stable and conducive environment for our learners to peacefully write their exams.
The Department appointed 6 453 officials to work as Senior Markers, Chief Markers, Moderators and 884 Examination Assistants as well as 64 Centre Managers in 21 marking centres around the province. The marking process commenced on 29 November and was completed by 12 December 2024.
2024 Matric Results Release Date
The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has announced a national release date for the 2024 matric results.
DBE Minister, Siviwe Gwarube, will announce the matric results on 13 January and on the morning of the following day, 14 January, provincial education departments, including Mpumalanga, will release the results to candidates.
Where To Find Matric Results
There are two main ways to access your 2024 matric results:
- Online: The Department of Basic Education website will host a dedicated results portal. You'll need your examination number to access your results.
- School/Exam Centre: Your school or the exam centre where you wrote your exams will also have your results available. This is a great option if you prefer a physical copy or want some support from your teachers in interpreting your results.
Different Matric Passes
Bachelor's Pass
To get a bachelors pass, it requires you to obtain at least 50% for five designated subject, this includes Life Orientation.
You also have to get above 30% for two other subjects and you are only allowed to fail one subject.
A bachelors pass allows you to study at any higher education institutions, like universities and colleges, to become doctors, lawyers and psychologists.
A diploma pass requires you to obtain at least 40% in five designated subjects including Life Orientation.
You also have to receive at least 30% in two other subjects and can only fail one subject.
A diploma allows you to attend some higher learning institutions and technical colleges, to study things like engineering, nursing and many other things.
Higher Certificate
For a higher certificate, you must obtain at least 40% in Home Language.
You must receive 40% in at least two subjects and 30% in three other subjects.
You are also still only allowed to fail one subject.
When studying further with a higher certificate you can apply to TVET colleges and some private colleges to study in a field of your choice, as long as you meet the admission requirements.
Regardless of the marks on you final certificate, if you fail two subject, which mean scoring a 1 (0-29%), you fail the year.
Don't let this discourage you however, matric can be difficult, there are many opportunity available for you to rewrite matric and better you marks. You can choose to do the entire year over or just rewrite the subjects that you failed.
2025 May/June Matric Rewrite Applications Now Open
Registration for the 2025 May/June Senior Certificate (SC) and National Senior Certificate (NSC) May/June examinations are now open. Matric candidates can now register for the 2025 midyear matric exam rewrites.
The education department confirmed that registrations are open since 1 October 2024 and will close on 7 February 2025.