Late applications for the 2022 academic year are now open at the University of Johannesburg - UJ. If you haven't got a place to study yet, you should take this opportunity.
This late applications period will close on 27 January at 9AM. No walk-ins will be allowed.
If you want to enquire whether UJ still has space in a particular qualification or want to change to another course, you must use the late application enquiry system.
Only qualifications where the University still has space available will be available for applicants meeting the minimum entrance requirements. Depending on the volume and quality of late application enquiries received, the system may be closed earlier than expected.
UJ will be conducting a final selection process after the release of the grade 12 results and inform applicants within 5 working days officially via e-mail, and unoficially via sms, on the outcome of their application status.
How To Apply
- Submit either your UJ student number, Grade 12 examination number or ID number and click on submit.
- Verify your personal details and click on confirm.
New/Previous application confirmation:
If you have not applied at UJ, the system will indicate whether you qualify for any available qualification.
If you have previously applied at UJ for the 2021 Academic year the system will indicate your application status for the qualification(s) you have applied for. If you have a positive application status and you are happy with your qualification choice, click on registration information to get all the details regarding registrations (please note that only applicants with an admitted status will be allowed to continue with registration). If you are not happy with your current qualification click on the change qualification button.
Qualifications which you qualify for and still have space available will be displayed per Faculty/College. You must then select your preferred Faculty/College.
A list of available qualifications within the Faculty/College will be displayed. Here, you should choose the qualification you are interested in.
Click on submit an enquiry or click on make a different selection to restart the process if you are not happy with what you chose.
Enter your cell phone number and click on submit.