When Is The Next Sassa Payment Increase 2024?

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The South African Social Security Agency, which we know as Sassa, disburses social grants to over 18 million people. Soon, Sassa beneficiaries will see a Sassa payment increase. 

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In February, former Finance Minister, Enoch Godongwana, announced the Sassa payment increase 2024 while delivering the 2024 Budget Speech. In just a few months, the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) will have another grant increase.

We are sensitive to the increase in the cost of living for the nearly 19 million South Africans who rely on these grants to make ends meet. In this regard, we have done as much as the fiscal envelope allows.

Sassa Grant Increases

The Finance Minister said that to keep up with inflation and increase access, Sassa grants will be increased. Godongwana announced the following Sassa grant increases:

Grant October Increase
Old Age (under 75 years old) R10
Old Age (over 75 years old) R10
Child Support -
Disability R10
Foster Care -
War Veterans R10
Care Dependency R10
Child Support Grant Top-Up R10

This means that from 1 October, the Old Age grant, disability grant, war veterans grant, care dependency grant and the child support grant top-up will be increased by R10. Unfortunately, the child support grant and foster care grants won't receive a Sassa increase.

Here’s How Much Sassa Grants Will Be After October Increase

  • Older Persons grant - R2,190
  • Older Persons (75 years and older) - R2,210
  • Disability grant - R2,190
  • War Veterans grant - R2,210
  • Child Support grant - R530
  • Child Support grant (Top-up) - R530 + R260
  • Care Dependency grant - R2,190
  • Foster Care grant - R1,180
  • SRD Grant - R370

A total of R387.3 billion will be spent Social Development. This includes R107 billion for the old-age grant, R89 billion for social security funds, R85.8 billion for child support grants and R73.4 billion for other grants.

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The value of the R350 grant will be increased in April. This was announced by the Finance Minister, Enoch Godongwana, on Wednesday evening.

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