The Social Relief of Distress (SRD), also known as the R350 grant, is a critical relief mechanism for millions of unemployed people living in South Africa. The grant ensures they have some money to purchase basic goods and services.
To qualify for the R350 grant, applicants must meet strict eligibility criteria. This eligibility criteria includes being between the ages of 18 and 59 years old, being unemployed, not receiving any financial assistance from the government in the form of grants, a National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) bursary or benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF).
Applications for the grant must be made on the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) R350 grant website. However, several R350 grant applicants who met the eligibility criteria have been rejected from receiving the grant.
Rejected grant applicants have the right to appeal Sassa’s decision. Appeals must be submitted by the Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals (ITSAA).
Here’s How To Submit Your May 2023 R350 Grant Appeal
- Step 1: Visit The ITSAA Website
- Step 2: Enter Your Identification Number
- Step 3: Enter The Cell Phone Number You Used During The Application Process
- Step 4: Click Send “Pin”
- Step 5: Once you receive the pin, you will be required to insert it and click “Submit”
- Step 6: Select the month that you are appealing for
- Step 7: Secret the drop-down arrow to choose the reason for your appeal application from the options provided
- Step 8: Click “Submit” to complete the appeal application process
The ITSAA works to finalise R350 grant appeals applications within 60 to 90 days. The decisions made by the ITSAA are final, however, appeal applicants who are unsatisfied may approach the high court for judicial review within 180 days of receiving the ITSAA’s decision.
Appeal applicants are reminded that they must submit an R350 grant appeal for each month their grant application was rejected.
If you need to lodge a Sassa status check appeal for your Sassa grant we have a comprehensive guide to Sassa appeals for SRD grants including the R350 SRD grant. You can also watch our Youtube video on Sassa grant appeals.