How You Can Register For Your NBT Test


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Some universities in South Africa require students to have a National Senior Certificate (Matric) and a National Bench Mark Test (NBT) score to determine whether the students are suitable to attend their university. Here's how you can register for your NBT.

The National Bench Mark Test was introduced in 2008 as a set of tests designed to assess academic literacy, general knowledge and mathematical ability in order to check academic readiness for university. 

The NBT consists of 2 separate examinations. The first exam is the Academic Literacy and Quantitative Literacy (AQL), which is a 3 hour multiple choice exam. The second test is a Mathematics (MAT) test, which is also 3 hours long and multiple choice.

An AQL can be written on its own if the applicant is not applying for a degree that requires mathematics, while the MAT cannot be written as a standalone test, as it needs to be written together with the AQL. 

Here is how to register for the NBT test:

  • Visit the NBT website at, click book now and follow the prompts, you will receive a NBT reference number once registration is complete.
  • You can pay using an EasyPay paypoint (AQL only R125) or (AQL and MATHS R250). Your NBT reference number is your EasyPay reference number which you can use to make payment.
  • You will need your ID number to register and your ID Card or Book to write the test.

The NBT Website has 2 booklets which are available, which contain sample questions that can help students prepare for their NBT's. Both tests need to written on the same day and if you miss your scheduled date and time, you will have to register and pay again.

Click Here To Download the NBT Sample Question Booklets


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If you are looking to pursue studies for a tertiary qualification then you may have to write NBTs in order to meet admission requirements at your preferred institution. Here's more information on the NBT simulation test. 

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These options range from pursuing higher education at universities or colleges, finding student accommodation, entering vocational training programs (like Learnerships and internships), joining the workforce, or even starting your own business. There are so many choices but we are here to help.


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