Unisa is the largest distance learning institution in Africa. Distance learning provides an opportunity for anyone who wishes to further their studies remotely.
The university has over 350 000 students and the institution offers various study fields at different levels, from certificate to degree.
Studying Health and Safety will ensure that the workplace is free from hazards and risks that can cause physical, emotional, or social harm to employees.
The University of South Africa (Unisa) offers various courses on Health and Safety in which you could consider enrolling.
Here is a list of Health and Safety courses offered at UNISA:
- Occupational Health and Safety Law: This is a NQF Level 5 Diploma course and in this module, students gain introductory knowledge and skills in occupational health and safety law as well as certain aspects of legislation that relate to health and safety.
- Care for the Caregiver: This is a short course to focus caregivers on their own self-caring behaviours as well as to empower themselves as caregivers and to protect themselves from hazards in the workplace
- Safety Management: This is a NQF Level 5 Diploma course, and this module helps students develop fundamental knowledge and an understanding of self-management, time management, how to delegate tasks successfully and manage meetings.
- Logotherapy Meaning-Centred Living, Counselling and Psychotherapy: Train-The-Trainor Short Course
- Managing Health and Nutrition in Adverse Conditions: This is a Short Course that assists health workers or people educating the community to identify malnutrition and address it appropriately and specifically in adverse conditions.
- The Support of Children at Risk: This is a Short Course that provides knowledge and skills to parents, guardians, grandparents, teachers, social workers, caregivers and volunteers in communities and warders in correctional centres who will be enabled to support children at risk in diverse contexts.
- Training Trainers in HIV and AIDS Care and Counselling: This is a Short Course that empowers students with the necessary training and facilitation knowledge and skills that will enable them to be effective trainers in their respective communities and work environments.
- Practical skills for HIV AIDS Care and Counselling: This is a Short Course that equips students with practical skills in HIV/AIDS counselling which gives them the necessary skills and knowledge around HIV/AIDS (awareness, testing and management).
For more information on how to apply for any of the above mentioned courses, read this article.