Speaking during her address of 2022 matric results, basic education Minister Angie Motshekga encouraged all disappointed learners to explore any of the second chance opportunities available to them.
Matriculants who wish to request a remark or recheck of their 2022 National Senior Certificate exam papers have until Today, 3 February 2023 to register with the department.
The department explained that an exam re-mark means that a learner’s examination will be marked for a second time, while a re-check of scripts is a further check to ensure that all questions are duly marked and that all marks are correctly calculated.
Who qualifies for a remark/recheck?
- You can apply for the re-mark of your scripts if you feel that the mark allocated is not a true reflection of your performance on the papers written.
- A re-mark means that your original answer script is marked for a second time by a marker.
- A re-check of your scripts is a further check to ensure that all questions are duly marked and that all marks are correctly calculated.
Here’s how to register for an exam remark/ recheck:
- Visit The Government’s Official e-Services Portal
- Click on the education icon, which displays a graduation cap
- Select the Basic Education Option. This will cause several options to appear.
- Select Re-Mark/Recheck
It is important to note that, for the department to conduct a remark or recheck, learners will have to pay a fee.
The payment for re-marking and re-checking for the 2022/23 academic period are as follows:
- Re-marking = R120 (per subject)
- Re-checking = R29 (per subject)
Results of remarking will be released on 13 March 2023 and will be available for collection at the school/exam centre where learners sat for their 2022 examinations.
Additionally, if a learner is still dissatisfied with their results after having them re-marked or re-checked they can register to retake the exams or improve their results.
Candidates have up until 8 February 2023 to register for the May/June rewrite examinations.