Once students have been finally accepted by Stellenbosch University they will be required to register online, by email or on campus in order to be enrolled into the programme they applied for.
The university has asked that those who have been finally accepted to make use of the online registration system and only use email or on-campus registration if they experience any issue with the online system or process.
When registering online by themselves, students must make use of the online registration portal on a computer with internet access.
Email registration is only applicable to Postgraduate students and returning undergraduate students of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences without access to the self-registration/online registration system.
Students in Undergraduate or Postgraduate programmes who were unable to register using the self-registration/online registration system or email are allowed to make use of on-campus registration.
Stellenbosch University sends communications to students regarding the location of on-campus registration and students must take note of the dates given for this method of registration.
Some returning students may be denied access to register if they have outstanding fees in their student account from previous years of studying. These students must check the student fees section on the Stellenbosch University website to see what they can do to lift the fee block.
Should students require further assistance with the registration process they can contact the Student Services at Stellenbosch University.