Everything You Need To Know About STADIO School of Commerce

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If you're wanted to study Business, you should definitely consider STADIO School of Commerce. Careers Portal spoke to STADIO and got some insight into fees, courses, campuses and how to apply.

Dr Antje Hargarter, head of Stadio School of Commerce, sat down and had a chat with Careers Portal to talk all things STADIO, entreprenership and business.

They have a very student centred approach where they listen to student voices and their comments and feelings about their education. STADIO makes use of Student Representative Councils, forums and surveys to achieve this.

The higher education institution is very industry-focused which entails having guest speakers who are knowledgeable on the different industries. With these talks, STADIO then gets to answer questions students would have.

STADIO School of Commerce Courses

STADIO School of Commerce is not your regular Business school. They cover programmes linked to Commerce and Business and these programmes are in the fields of Business Accounts Administration, Marketing, Digital Marketing and Project Management.

Through their courses, they try to foster skills needed for when you enter the industry.

They are currently working on a BCom qualification which will cover future skills while looking at the future world of work. This will make it more current and suitable for those heading into a workspace that has been transformed in the last few years.

Courses offered by the STADIO School of Commerce have an entrepreneurship model. These courses are both theoretical and practical and sees students having to do practicals which will see them presenting a business plan to a committee.

STADIO School of Commerce Campuses 

STADIO has two campuses in Durban, two in Pretoria and then one in Cape Town.

STADIO School of Commerce Fees

At STADIO, they want to make education affordable and accessible. They therefore have a system in place where they try to help students and give conditional offers to students to see how they can help students access their services.

Click here to find out more about STADIO's fees.

Dr Hargarter believes STADIO’s School of Commerce prepares students for the future world of work with relevant and current qualifications.

More About Stadio Higher Education



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