Should I Re-apply to NSFAS If I've Failed 4 Modules?

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Thousands of students rely on bursaries from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme to fund their tertiary education journey. However, students who do not meet the financial aid scheme's academic eligibility may be de-funded.

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Question: Will NSFAS Fund Me If I Fail 2 Modules?

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) provides comprehensive bursaries to thousands of deserving students enrolled in undergraduate qualifications at public higher learning institutions in South Africa.

To qualify for a NSFAS bursary, students must be studying towards an approved undergraduate qualification at a public university or Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college. They must also have a household income less than R350,000 per annum or R600,000 per annum for students living with a disability.

Question: How Many Modules Should I Pass For NSFAS?

While NSFAS will fund students who meet the bursary requirements, students are required to meet academic criteria to keep being funded by the financial aid scheme. Failure to meet the NSFAS academic requirements can result in a student's funding being withdrawn.

Academic criteria needed by students to continue receiving funding is dictated by the N+Rule and the percentage of modules passed by the student.

The N+rule sets the outer limits for the duration that a student may receive finding from NSFAS. Currently, all students qualify for the N+1 rule. This means NSFAS will fund students for N (minimum number of years it takes to complete a qualification) plus an additional year. All students living with disabilities qualify for N+2.

Question: Should You Reapply To Nsfas If You Failed 4 Modules?

To continue receiving NSFAS funding, university First Time Entering Students (FTES) must achieve a course credit pass rate of 50% for their previous academic term. Continuing university students must achieve a course credit pass rate of 55% for their previous academic term to continue receiving funding.

Therefore, students may reapply to NSFAS if they failed four modules but passed 50% of their modules (FTES) or 55% (continuing students) of their modules. 

Question: How Many Modules Does NSFAS Fund?

NSFAS allows students to appeal a decision to withdraw funding prior to finalising this decision. Students are advised to submit their appeals on time, and only to those channels specified by NSFAS. They warned that the use of an incorrect channel to appeal will result in the appeal not being considered by NSFAS.

University students who can prove that they have 50% or less final year course credits to complete and achieve their qualification may qualify to receive funding. Students who fall into this category will be funded similar to distance university students, provided that their appeal is successful.


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