The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) admitted that the 2024 NSFAS appeals process was laden with challenges. This comes after thousands of students who were initially rejected from relieving funding submitted NSFAS appeal applications that took months to resolve.
NSFAS provides comprehensive bursaries and student loans to deserving learners enrolled in approved courses at universities and TVET colleges.
Annually, thousands of students apply for NSFAS funding. However, not all students who apply for NSFAS funding are approved. These students can submit a NSFAS appeal application which could lead to approved funding for the academic year.
Students who submitted appeals for the 2024 academic year would have hoped that they would receive a quick decision from NSFAS. This would allow them to proceed with their studies knowing the costs would be covered by the government.
However, in October 2024, close to the end of the academic year, thousands of appeals remained unresolved. Minister of Higher Education, Dr Nobuhle Nkabane revealed this in response to questions in Parliament.
The Minister revealed that while 84% of the 103 071 appeals submitted were resolved, more than 16,000 NSFAS appeals are still pending.
While NSFAS reported that significant progress was made in resolving the backlog of appeals, thousands require further attention, be it from the bursary scheme or students.
NSFAS Blames Board Dissolution For Appeals Delay
During a recent stakeholder meeting in Parliament, NSFAS said the dissolution of its board led to extended delays in resolving appeals.
After the disbandment of the board, nothing has been done on appeals after last month, and we have seen students being unfairly rejected, students who were funded before.
It was further revealed by the Independent Tribunal Appeals committee that NSFAS system was automatically rejecting students who qualified for funding.
The last and second meeting this year of the Independent Tribunal Appeals Committee which took place this month after months of complaining from SRC members did prove that the system is automatically rejecting students who are supposed to be funded.
The purpose of the Appeals Committee is to ensure that the rejected appeals are reviewed objectively and independently and are not delayed. In the 2024 academic year, the team received 193 443 appeals and 79 723 were successfully funded.
Efforts are being made to engage NSFAS regularly to ensure that there are no delays in processing the applications.
The Branch is represented in the committee that deals with NSFAS appeals. This is to strengthen the oversight on management of appeals and identify issues that require the attention of the Department at an early stage.