Unisa Exam Remarking Applications Closes Soon

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Unisa exam remarking applications are closing soon, so if you are unsatisfied with your results apply now. If you are struggling with how to apply or wondering whether or not you qualify we have all the answers here. 


Unisa marking and re-marking of examinations close soon.

Procedures for the remarking of examination scripts are sent to students together with the examination results.

Only those students who obtain 35% - 49% or 68% - 74% in a study unit may apply for the remark of such study unit.

Unfortunately, October/November 2020 examinations has already closed on the 31st of January 2021. 

January/February 2021 supplementary and postgraduate examination are open until the 16th of April 2021.

How to apply:

The online application form is available in myUnisa. Log into myUnisa and navigate to the Examination Results tool in the administrative section.

An external examiner or moderator who was not involved with the original marking will undertake or verify the remarking.

Answer scripts that consist only of a mark reading sheet, will not be remarked as these are marked electronically. A student may not apply for a remark in respect of the practical component of an examination.

Remarking results will be made known approximately 2 months after the closing date. The mark awarded after remarking will be the final result, even if it is lower than the original mark.

Applications for remarking may only be submitted online via myunisa and must be accompanied by the prescribed fee. See amount payable under "Miscellaneous fees" under Study fees on the myUnisa website.

Remarking fees will be refunded if a student:

  • who originally failed, now PASSES as a result of remarking;
  • who originally failed, now PASSES with a SUBMINIMUM (if applicable) as a result of remarking;
  • is awarded a DISTINCTION as a result of remarking;
  • gains admission to study for a following, higher qualification on the grounds that his / her marks have sufficiently improved as a result of remarking. 


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