NSFAS Accredits 88 000 Beds For Student Accommodation

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Progress is being made with the implementation of the NSFAS accommodation pilot according to the bursary scheme. The NSFAS student accommodation pilot scheme was introduced to ensure that accommodation providers offer accessible, decent, safe, and academically conducive housing for all students.

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The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) says significant progress is being made in its accommodation pilot project. The project is aimed at addressing the pressing issue of student accommodation within South Africa's higher education landscape.

NSFAS provides comprehensive bursaries and student loans to eligible students enrolled in approved programmes at universities and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges in South Africa. 

The NSFAS student accommodation pilot programme was launched to ensure that student accommodation service providers deliver accommodation that is accessible, decent, safe, and academically conducive for all students.

NSFAS believes the implementation of the accommodation pilot is a significant step in enhancing and improving the student accommodation landscape in 17 Universities and 23 TVET Colleges for the 2024 academic year. 

During a recent NSFAS briefing, Acting Chairperson, Prof. Lourens Van Staden revealed that a total of 88,705 beds have been registered on the organisation's portal, accredited for both TVET colleges and universities. This comes a month after they reported the accreditation of 79,000 beds.

NSFAS indicated that out of the 40 participating institutions, 28 have submitted lists for verification of funding status. Additionally, it was stated that the Mangosuthu University of Technology (MUT) and the University of Mpumalanga will finalise their submissions upon completing student placements.

The NSFAS representatives explained that ten institutions have submitted lists in batches, while others are seeking assistance or engaging in discussions regarding their contractual obligations. 

They reported that 30 out of the 40 pilot institutions have successfully placed students in accredited properties. Among the remaining institutions, five are receiving support for continued placements, and three are still in discussions.

Student Onboarding And Accreditation Status

NSFAS says they are collaborating with educational institutions and accommodation providers are actively onboarding students to the portal system to ensure residence in accredited accommodations. 

They reported that eighteen institutions have completed student onboarding, with efforts ongoing across the rest of the institutions. It was emphasised that all institutions need to expedite onboarding to prevent delays in rental payments.

Furthermore, NSFAS urged landlords to ensure that leases generated through the portal are duly signed by all residing students.

Combating Un-accredited Accommodation And Addressing Allegations

NSFAS officials made it clear that the organisation has no affiliation with unaccredited accommodation providers. They mentioned ongoing efforts to ensure that NSFAS-funded students are not placed in unaccredited accommodations, with consultations ongoing with providers seeking accreditation.

The NSFAS Board wishes to state clearly that it does not have any arrangements with unaccredited accommodation providers. 

NSFAS said no students will be allowed to live in unaccredited accommodation. Ongoing efforts are underway to ensure that NSFAS-funded students are not placed in unaccredited accommodations.

The NSFAS student accommodation pilot programme was launched to ensure that student accommodation service providers deliver accommodation that is accessible, decent, safe, and academically conducive for all students.

NSFAS has called on accommodation providers to check the accommodation portal to check their status if they applied for accreditation.

Students who decide against staying in accommodation assigned to them will be provided with a transport allowance from NSFAS. 

Allegations of corruption have been about possible collusion between accommodation accreditation officials and landlords. This could lead to inappropriate accommodation being accredited for NSFAS-funded students.  

If this is indeed true, we wish to reiterate that this will not be tolerated by the scheme and that should anyone be found in the wrong, NSFAS will report this to law enforcement agencies  

NSFAS encouraged anyone with information to report any allegations of fraud to Vuvuzela.

Ensuring Security And Project Optimisation

NSFAS added that the accommodation project is founded on the principle of providing accessible, safe, and conducive accommodation for students, particularly those from marginalised backgrounds. They underscored the importance of holding property owners accountable for student safety and rejected any compromise on security.

NSFAS will not take likely any security compromise from the landlords and we will always hold the property owners accountable for the safety of our students.   

NSFAS plans to leverage insights gained from the pilot phase to refine its approach before the full rollout. They emphasised the organisation's commitment to collaboration, transparency, and accountability in addressing the accommodation needs of South African students.

By analysing the initial implementation, identifying areas of improvement, and implementing necessary adjustments, the accommodation project will refine its approach and achieve optimal outcomes. 

Calls To End Accommodation Pilot

The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA) is calling on President Cyril Ramaphosa and the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Higher Education to urgently intervene in the student accommodation pilot currently being implemented at higher education institutions. 

OUTA says that NSFAS's pilot project on student accommodation has failed to deliver results, with the accreditation process moving at an extremely slow pace and the accommodation portal inaccessible to students in need. 

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We helped you with past papers for your matric exams, so hopefully you are happy with your Matric results. So now you are faced with a lot of post-matric options that can shape your future paths. You might want to study law, teaching, or nursing. Of course studying is expensive so we have helpful advice about student loans, NSFAS bursaries, Fundi loans, ISFAP, and lots of other funding options.

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