Be open to new experiences. Try new things with your friends that you wouldn't normally do or do on your own. This is a time of your life where you change quickly and new experiences are part of this important discovery.
Choose your battle. In an environment where you come across so many girls and personalities, you can't bother with the little things. Learn how to be compliant.
At the same time, you can choose what you stand for and where you will draw your boundaries. But understand that you can't please everyone.
Remember why you are here and what your goals were before you got here. We see many girls forget about their goals when they get here and find more social opportunities than they may have been used to.
You must finish your studies. It is possible to maintain a balance between a social life and your academic goals. Learn the skill of impulse control.
Don't change who you are just to fit in with a new group of friends - it's easy to lose yourself in a new environment. Always be yourself and then you will also make friends with those who are like you. Your happiness depends on your ability to stay true to who you are.
Remember that you will always have your friends with you - you stay together, you don't just visit each other from time to time. Trust yourself, be confident in who you are, and make yourself available to learn and grow.
Learn how to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations. People are different from you. Accept it and adapt to it.
When there is an event organized by the residence - attend it! Even just for a short while if you don't feel like it. Some of one's best acquaintances are made here and it is a wonderful way to dig into yourself.
There are students who have regretted missing out on opportunities and wish they had started participating earlier.
Bring something from home with you: be it a teddy bear, photos or anything else that is valuable to you. It can help you in times when you need something familiar.
Learn to do basic housework such as ironing and cleaning and how to manage your time even before you arrive at the hostel. Let your parents leave it to you a few weeks before you come to the residence if it is not already a routine for you. You will need these skills and it is easier if you learn them ahead of time.
Look after your mental health. Learn how to remove yourself from situations that make you feel uncomfortable. Choose yourself.
Give yourself "me time". There is little privacy in a hostel, so you might want to go for a walk just to enjoy some silence. It is possible that you will want to go home more than you expected.
You won't be the first student to cry into her pillow and consider going back home, like a student who did on her first night and was able to laugh about it in our meeting today when she shared her experience.
Arrange personal time with old friends and family - at the Isa ladies' hostel there is free Wi-Fi available so you can call home as many times as you like.
Remember that you are never alone. In some cases it is better to talk to someone who is not in your circle of friends - this could be a member of the house committee or the resident head. A different perspective is sometimes just what you need.
Communication is absolutely essential for successful relationships - even more so in an environment where so many different personalities live together. Make sure you have a monthly hallway meeting to ensure open communication.
Share your feelings: don't expect others to know or understand if you don't talk about ahead of time.
The culture of a 'sisterhood' only exists when you are willing to get to know other people.
Time flies! Remember to have fun and enioy every moment. It goes by faster than you think. Ten years later, you may not remember the test you took, but rather the memories you built up. Cherish the experience.
Residence life in Pretoria
Make Isa Private Ladies Hostel your home! The Isa Private Ladies' Hostel in Lynnwood, Pretoria, is a popular home for students enrolled at any tertiary institution in Pretoria.
The residence is based on the campus of Isa Carstens Academy, opposite Menlopark High School. It offers modern and safe, luxury student accommodation close to the University of Pretoria with 24 hour access control and additional security control for living areas.
The Rose Café meets residents' catering needs and there are also healthy options on the menu (three meals are available per day).
There are gym facilities and Wi-Fi available.
Visit the Isa Ladies Residence website for any inquiries or to make an arrangement to come and visit the residence.