More than 1.6 million funding applications were received by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) for the 2023 academic year. While NSFAS expects to fund around one million students, thousands of students who submitted applications were unsuccessful.
A total of 941,491 students who submitted bursary applications were approved for funding in 2023. However, NSFAS revealed that 317,335 bursary applications were unsuccessful.
Nsfas said the unsuccessful applicants did not meet the NSFAS funding requirements. These students can submit an appeal application if they disagree with the funding decision made by NSFAS.
The myNsfas appeal portal is now active. This function will enable applicants who were rejected by the financial aid scheme to submit an appeal and possibly receive funding for the 2023 academic year.
“The Nsfas appeal functionality on the myNsfas portal is active. All applicants with unsuccessful application status may log onto their myNSFAS account and submit an appeal application, with the required information and documents”
Unsuccessful applicants must submit Nsfas appeals within 30 days after the appearance of the unsuccessful status.
Students who want to appeal will need to download and complete a relevant propensity letter.
Here are the relevant propensity letters:
- Failure to meet academic eligibility (PDF)
- Appealing N+1 (PDF)
- N+2 students with disability (PDF)
- Registered for 50% or less (final year course credits) to complete (PDF)
The financial aid scheme reminds students that appeal applications submitted via email will not be considered. Students are advised to visit the NSFAS website to view the supporting documents needed for appeals.
Students who are successful in their appeal applications will receive comprehensive funding from Nsfas. This includes fully paid tuition accommodation fees. Students will also be eligible to receive several allowances to cover additional costs related to their studies.