The Department of Basic Education (DBE) held a training workshop for its examiners and internal moderators for matric questions papers.
It has been reported that the aim of this workshop is to improve the quality of National Senior Certificate (NSC) question papers, eliminate unnecessary errors, and ensure that all learners are not disadvantaged.
This came after reports on the quality of the previous examination. In a DBE interview, Chief Education Specialist Enid Nobongoza said:
The media criticises and scrutinizes our papers a lot, but we get very qualitative feedback from marking.
Nobongoza added that to ensure that they benchmark their exam papers against other assessment bodies, after receiving feedback from internal moderators and Marking centres.
It has been reported that this feedback is incorporated with the current question papers so that the quality and the standard of the NSC question papers are good and comparable against other assessment bodies.
As learners have returned to schools after their last two years of schooling had been disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic and the challenges that came with it.
The department has an integrated school health program, whereby it has formed a partnership between the Department of Health as well as the Department of Social Development.
According to the Basic Education Chief Director of Care and Support Faith Khumalo, in this program, schools are linked to a health clinic and the name of the school's health nurse.
This makes it easier to find cases of children or even educators that are asymptomatic, thereafter an individual is then isolated in a dedicated area.
DBE then gets in touch with the school health team and the schools concerned to come up with solutions.