The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is calling on partners to submit their admission applications to parents as the late application deadline for Grades 1 and 8 in 2025 are fast approaching.
The online application window closes on 12 May 2024. This means that there are just a couple of days left to submit their admission applications.
The WCED revealed that parents who submit their admission application before the late application wind deadline closes will have their children's application considered after those submitted during the on-time window.
We thank the parents who have already applied … This helps us with planning for placements next year.
Over 114 000 applications were received by the WCED during the official 2025 admissions applications period. Since the on-time window closed in April, the WCED has received over 11 000 late applications. The majority (87%) were submitted online, which is a free and convenient option for parents.
The online admissions system is zero-rated and does not use any data. If parents need in-person help capturing their application, they can visit their education district office for assistance.
For parents who require assistance, in-person help is available at their district education office.
What Happens After 12 May 2024?
Parents who miss the late application deadline will need to contact their district office directly. The application window for Grade R and transfers for other grades will open from 1 August and 16 August 2024.
Important Dates for On-Time Applications
Parents who applied on time will be notified of their child's placement results starting 30 May, 2024.
The WCED said parents must accept or decline school offers by 14 June 2024. They encouraged a prompt decision, especially for those with multiple offers. This would allow schools to offer those places to other students.
If a choice isn't made by 14 June 2024, the top-ranked school with an offer will be automatically selected.
The WCED assures parents who don't receive an offer initially that placements can still open up as others make their choices. They will work to place all on-time applicants.
Parents who do not receive an offer on 30 May 2024 should not be disheartened: places always open up as parents confirm their final choices. We will leave no stone unturned in our efforts to place every learner whose parents applied on time as quickly as possible.