Unisa Reveals When They Will Withhold Your Exam Results

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Many students at South Africa's largest university have had their exam marks withheld in the last few months. The institution has revealed under which circumstances this will happen.

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The University of South Africa (Unisa) has provided its students with a comprehensive guide on the circumstances which could lead to the withholding of their exam results. This is important as it informs students what not to do if they do not want their results withheld. 

Here are the reasons behind Unisa exam results being withheld.

Failure To Use Proctoring Tools

If students fail to use the prescribed proctoring tools or do not prepare devices through a mock examination may lead to withheld results. 

The university uses proctoring tools to ensure the integrity of examinations is upheld. Proctoring tools are online invigilating tools which require a connection to a smartphone, laptop or desktop with a functional camera. All students must use a proctoring tool while they write their exams.

Not Submitting Invigilation Results 

Marks can also be withheld if students do not upload invigilation or proctoring results within 48 hours, as well as ignoring notifications for Invigilator App reminders. 

Students must upload Invigilator proctoring results within 48 hours of their examination session. Students will receive Invigilator App notifications to remind them to upload Invigilator proctoring. Students are advised to apply notification settings on their Invigilator App to enable receipt of such reminders

Exiting Invigilator Application And Using Cell Phones

Exiting or minimising the Invigilator App for a total of 10 minutes, engaging in non-exam-related phone activities, or not activating flight mode during invigilation will contribute to marks being withheld. 

Activities on the phone, such as answering phone calls, engagements on Whatsapp or messaging applications, internet browsing or being on social media, etc., during the examination session will result in students being flagged for being Out of App and will have their marks withheld.

Providing Unrecognisable Proctoring Images 

In addition to this, providing unrecognisable proctoring images or failing to provide typed responses for Turnitin-elected modules may lead to withheld marks. Students are not permitted to submit scanned handwritten scripts or scanned typed scripts. 

Providing proctoring or invigilation images that are unrecognisable, obscured, faint or do not contain a full facial image during examination sessions will result in students marked withheld.

Listening To Music Or Utilising Audio-To-Text Software 

Lastly, listening to audio or utilising audio-to-text software without proper declaration may result in the withholding of marks during examination sessions.

Unisa concluded that students who have been identified for disciplinary for academic misconduct during their examinations will have their marks withheld.

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