NSFAS Releases Eligibility Criteria For 2025

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Almost one million students are set to benefit from NSFAS funding in 2025. Here's the official eligibility criteria for NSFAS bursaries.

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The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) has released its Eligibility Criteria and Conditions for Financial Aid Policy Standard for the 2025 Academic Year. This is important information for anyone wanting to benefit from the government bursary scheme. 

Funding from NSFAS ensures that students from poor and working-class backgrounds can obtain a tertiary education qualification without facing the financial barriers that would have prevented them from graduating. 

NSFAS does this by providing comprehensive bursaries and student loans to deserving students enrolled in approved courses at universities and TVET colleges. NSFAS funding covers tuition and registration fees, as well as several allowances for food, accommodation, and learning materials

Who Qualifies For NSFAS in 2025

Deserving students refer to those who meet the eligibility criteria for funding. NSFAS has released its eligibility criteria for the 2025 academic year. There are two sections of eligibility that students must meet namely academic eligibility and financial eligibility. 

Financial Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for NSFAS, students must have a household income not exceeding R350,000 per annum. Disabled students may have a household income of up to R600,000 per annum. 

Household income assessments vary depending on the applicant's circumstances.

Unmarried NSFAS applicants’ household income includes the combined gross income of their biological or adoptive parents and the student's income. 

NSFAS applicants under legal guardianship household income comprises the gross income of their legal guardian and the applicant.

The household income assessed for married NSFAS applicants is the combined gross income of the applicant and their spouse.

Unmarried applicants who are self-sufficient and independent of their parents are exempt from providing an NSFAS declaration form.

Applicants who receive grants from the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) automatically meet the financial eligibility criteria if they are registered and academically eligible. 

Only Foster Care, Care Dependency, and Child Support grant beneficiaries qualify for NSFAS. 

NSFAS will use third-party data sources to validate household income declarations submitted by students. Applicants must submit accurate and complete consent forms for the assessment process.

Academic Eligibility Criteria

New students wanting to benefit from NSFAS funding must be registered for an approved course. 

The academic eligibility criteria for NSFAS have several conditions for students already receiving NSFAS funding. 

Academic Progression Requirements 

Academic eligibility is determined by a student's academic performance in their enrolled modules. 

Non-First Time Entering (FTEN) University students must pass at least 60% of their modules to qualify for funding in the following academic year.

Non-FTEN TVET College students must pass 70% of their modules or meet specific subject progression requirements:

For National Certificate Vocational (NC(V)) levels, students must pass at least five subjects to progress. For Report 191 levels, students must pass three subjects to progress.

Returning Students may not exceed the N+Rule.

The "N" represents the minimum time required to complete a qualification. The "+1" allows for one additional year of funding. Students with disabilities qualify for N+2.

Progression Pathways

Only NSFAS-approved University and TVET College academic progression pathways are funded and implemented with the eligibility criteria.

Funding is limited to the first undergraduate qualification for university students. 

Approved academic pathways for TVET College students include progressing from a Pre-Vocational Learning Programme (PLP) to Report 191 Level 1 or NC(V) Level 2.

Restrictions apply to students switching programmes or repeating completed qualifications.

Students who exceed the N+ Rule or switch to an ineligible qualification will no longer receive funding. Occupational programmes are exempt from the N+ Rule as they align with employment contracts that do not provide for additional study time.

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