Don't Drive With An Expired Licence
Driving without a valid drivers licence can land you in hot water. Receiving a fine in this economy is just reckless so getting your driver's licence renewal on time is crucial. Because the delay between applying for, and receiving, your driving licence it is advisable to renew your driving licence about a month before the expiry date of your driver's licence.
There is a licence fee to pay when you renew your driver's licence. At the moment you can renew your driving licence online. If you licence expired already you will have to also get a temporary driving licence to ensure you have a valid licence until your new driving licence arrives.
You don't have to undertake a new driving test when you are renewing your drivers licence. You should regularly check the licence desk on your car as you can't gurarantee that youwill received a renewal notice in the post.
Driver Licence Renewal
It's recommended to renew your licence four weeks before it expires. If you miss the deadline, you'll need a temporary licence while you wait for the new one. If you choose to take a temporary licence, you will have to pay for it.
Documents Needed For Drivers Licence Renewal
Your ID document
- Your ID document (ID) and a copy of Your old driving licence card or valid South African passport
Black-and-white ID photographs (check with your DLTC for the exact number required)
Proof of your residential address:
A utility bill in your name
- (if not, you'll need an affidavit from the bill owner stating you live there)
If living in an informal settlement, a letter with an official date stamp from your ward councillor confirming your address
The prescribed application fee (contact your local licensing office for the amount)
It's also advisable to take a pen with you to complete your forms.
Once you’ve got everything you need to renew your driving licence, visit your nearest DLTC with all required documents and be prepared for any tests.
Driving Licence Eye Test
Follow the instructions provided by the DLTC staff during the drivers license renewal process. You will be required to fill out forms as well as complete an eye test and provide fingerprints.
You are entitled to have an eye test done by your own optometrist before attending the drivers licence testing centre. Some people prefer this as they find the testing at the vehicle testing centre stressful and it might make them perform badly on the test.
You will be liable for the cost of the eye test if your optometrist performs it, but they might do this for you at a very reasonable rate if it is part of your regular eye test. Remember however that the eye test by the optometrist is only valid for three months so you have to attend for your drivers licence renewal within this time period.
Temporary Drivers Licence May Be Necessary
If you current drivers licence has already expired you will also have to get a temporary drivers licence to allow you to drive legally until your renewed drivers licence card is delivered to you.
Check on the Status of Your New Drivers Licence Card
After completing all necessary steps and paying the required fees, you will have to wait several weeks before receiving your new licence card.
The DLTC will inform you when to collect your brand-new licence card my sending an SMS to the cellphone number you provided when you applied for the card.
You can also check on the status of your card application by SMS. Send your SA ID number by SMS to 33214 and you will receive a reply which informs you of the status of your application. There is a charge each time you use this service.
Collect Your Drivers Licence Card
When you receive the SMS to say that you can collect your new drivers licence you should do that within 14 days. You should collect your new card from the same office that you ordered the card from.