To apply for a Fundi student loan you need to fill in an online application. In this form, you will have to enter your name, your e-mail address, your cellphone number and write a short message informing Fundi what type of loan you want to apply for.
After Fundi has processed your information, they will get back to you and you will have to provide them with certain documents for them to decide if they accept your request or not.
But how do their loans work? Their loans are unsecured, that is, you don’t need to provide anything as collateral. After you have been accepted to their loans, your education-related expenses will be paid by Fundi directly to the institutions.
Your repayments may be deducted from your salary or paid through debit orders. This kind of payment arrangement ensures that you have a permanent income where your debit orders will be drawn from.
Fundi expects for repayments to be made every month with interest rates and agreed instalments depending on the amount you have taken out or what you earn.
In order to apply for a Fundi loan, fulfil the below requirements:
- South African ID
- Proof of income
- Proof of address
- Proof of enrolment
For information about the Fundi loan repayments and applications, CLICK HERE