Melikhaya Zagagana


Melikhaya Zagagana journalist at Portal PublishingMelikhaya Zagagana is an intern writer for Portal Publishing. Melikhaya completed his Journalism degree from Cape Peninsula University of Technology in 2022.

His philosophy in life is to show up and believing that everything else will follow suit. Melikhaya's aim through his journalism career is to inspire change for the better and become a mouthpiece for those who can’t speak for themselves. He believes that the journalism landscape has improved for the better with more exciting tools and endless options to tell stories - which has left the world in a better place.

Connect with Melikhaya on LinkedIn.

Articles by Melikhaya:

How exciting it is to start planning for your future or your children’s future. However, this excitement may be overshadowed by not knowing how to afford the long list of things you or your child need to pursue an education. Here's what you need to know about whether or not Fundi offers bursaries.

The assessment body Umalusi has approved the Matric final exam results from November 2024 so they can now be released. As well as the traditional route of getting results through newspapers, it’s possible to find out your results as soon as they're available on the system. This is how you can check your matric results online.

Courses in business studies cover a wide range of specialisations but start out broad and allow students to focus on a specific area later on. To find out more about the benefits of doing business studies as a career, check below for answers.

The Funza Lushaka Bursary is a program established to support teaching studies and available to qualified students to complete a teaching degree. If you are a UINSA student and you want to find-out if your PGCE qualification will be funded by the Funza Lushaka bursary, we have answers for you.

There might be several reasons that lead you to cancel Sassa Relief Grant. One of them could be that you found a job or now have financial income that will be sustainable for you to cancel the SRD grant. Whatever the case may be, these are the steps you can follow to cancel your SRD Grant. 

NSFAS provides higher education funding to students from poor and working-class families who would otherwise not afford to study. You have come to the right place to learn more about whether NSFAS funds diploma courses. 

NSFAS is a government institution that provides financial support to disadvantaged students who wish to further their studies at higher education institutions. However, you may be wondering if NSFAS funds Matric rewrites.

While South African schools have been marked as the playground for bullies, this extends to teachers as the LGBTQ community reports discrimination targeted against them. 

In a country where the National Senior Certificate (NSC) or Matric Certificate is a powerful career document, lacking one is never a good idea. If your matric certificate is lost or damaged, don’t stress, read below for answers.

Worried that you cannot further your studies because you failed Matric? Maybe you are concerned that you won’t be able to apply for a job without a Matric certificate. Well, keep reading to get some answers. 

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Post-Matric Options


We helped you with past papers for your matric exams, so hopefully you are happy with your Matric results. So now you are faced with a lot of post-matric options that can shape your future paths. You might want to study law, teaching, or nursing. Of course studying is expensive so we have helpful advice about student loans, NSFAS bursaries, Fundi loans, ISFAP, and lots of other funding options.

These options range from pursuing higher education at universities , TVET Colleges or  private colleges, finding student accommodation, entering vocational training programs (like Learnerships and internships), joining the workforce, or even starting your own business. There are so many choices but we are here to help.


Latest SASSA articles

The R370 grant is aimed at assisting unemployed adults living in South Africa. Here's the R370 grant eligibility criteria.. 

Knowing when you social grant will be paid is extremely helpful as it allows for planning. Here's a guide on how to find you Sassa grant payment dates. 

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