What The ISFAP Postgraduate Bursary Covers

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If you're looking for postgrad funding, the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme, better known as ISFAP is perfect for you. They are offering 250 postgrad bursaries, here's what it covers.

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The Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme (ISFAP) aims to make tertiary education possible and accessible and has expanded by also providing postgrad funding. They provide holistic funding and don't just pay for fees.

Careers Portal sat down with Shaun Perrier, the Head of Fundraising at ISFAP, to speak about what the ISFAP postgraduate bursary covers. 

Put simply, the funding package includes tuition, accommodation and monthly allowances as well as student support. However, there's more it than that.

The wraparound support there is slightly, much more different, than your undergrad students ... it's a full mentorship, handholding guardianship.

Wraparound support includes things like mentorship, coaching, extra tutorials, academic support, financial support, accommodation support and even peer-to-peer learning.

They also want to make sure that their graduates are work ready and will also help with teaching students how to write a CV and knowing things around financial literacy such as how to manage money.

Students funded by the postgrad bursary will also have the option of giving back and mentoring undergrad students and provide support to those students.

ISFAP also has programme managers at each campus they provide funding at who are there to provide any kind of support a student would need, whether it be academic or personal. These programme managers are there to assist students on a day-to-day basis in monitoring, managing and also supporting them with challenges that they may have.

How to Apply

An online application form needs to be completed in full and the requisite supporting documentation provided/uploaded by qualifying student without the supporting documents uploaded will not be considered.

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isfap graduates

Applications are now open for a postgraduate bursary from the Ikusasa Student Financial Aid Programme, better known as ISFAP. So if you're looking for postgrad funding, this is perfect for you.

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