SASSA - Bank Account And Other Grant Payment Options

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Are you a Sassa grant beneficiary wondering how to get your grant sent to your personal bank account each month? Here's how you can receive your Sassa grant via your bank account.


There are millions of South African citizens receiving financial assistance in the form of social grants to help improve their standard of living. Social grants are administered by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA).

The Sassa grant is provided to eligible individuals who are in need of financial support. The grant is intended to provide assistance to individuals who are unable to support themselves or their families due to poverty, disability or old age.

Sassa makes payments to grant beneficiaries in various ways, whether it be through your Sassa Card, through CashSend and even directly into your account.

How To Get Your Sassa Grant Sent Directly To Your Account

Permanent Sassa Grants

The following steps are applicable to permanent beneficiaries of the following grants:

  • Grant for older persons
  • Disability grant
  • War veterans grant
  • Care dependency grant
  • Foster child grant
  • Child support grant
  • Grant-in-aid

Beneficiaries who wish to receive their grants through their own personal bank accounts need to complete a Sassa Annexure C (bank form) requesting for their grant to be paid directly to their bank account. This form can be obtained from any Sassa office or downloaded online.

It is important to note that the bank form cannot be submitted via an online platform. The form needs to be completed by the beneficiary and the bank he/she has chosen and once completed returned to the Sassa office.

Grant recipients will have to:

  1. Print out the form.
  2. Take it to your bank to be filled in and STAMPED.
  3. Submit it to a Sassa local office to be captured and processed
  4. As soon as this written request is processed, Sassa will then deposit the social grant money directly into the bank account.

It is important to note that beneficiaries submit the form to their local Sassa office because they will need to use their biometric information in the form of fingerprints to confirm their request to change their method of payment and bank details.

Click here to download Sassa bank form

Social Relief of Distress SRD R350 Grant

When the pandemic hit many South Africans suffered various challenges and financial strains that affected their day to day lives. Some were left jobless and unable to provide for their or their families' most basic needs.

In response, the government initiated the R350 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant to aid people who have insufficient means to improve their standard of living.

Since the rollout of the grant, the government has called on beneficiaries to choose that the grant payment be made to their bank accounts for convenience and so that they can access it from anywhere.

How to add or change banking details for R350 Grant on

  1. Visit the SRD website at
  2. Choose to proceed under the 'South African ID Holders' section
  3. Scroll down to the “How do I change my banking details” section
  4. Insert your ID number
  5. An SMS containing the Sassa banking details link will be sent to the mobile phone number used when registering for the SRD application.
  6. Open the banking details link in the SMS 
  7. Capture Bank name.
  8. Capture Account type.
  9. Capture Account number.
  10. Click Submit.

Another important thing to note is that if you select for the grant payment to go into a bank account, you have to make sure that you submit your own bank account details, as Sassa will not be able to pay your grant into another person’s bank account. 

If you do not want to receive your grant money via a bank account, there are other ways you can collect it.

Sassa SRD Grant Banking Details

If you need to change your Sassa banking details - including banking details for your SRD grant we have all the details for you. As the grant is re-approved every month you need to make sure that your banking details with Sassa are correct or your grant won't be paid. The bank account must be in your own name as grants can't be paid into someone else's account. You'll find all the details in our Sassa banking details FAQ. You can also view our video on how to check your Sassa grant status.

Where To Get Your Sassa Grant

women collecting sassa grant

CashSend Services

If you do not have a bank account, you can also receive your grant through CashSend services.

This sees beneficiaries use their ID numbers and phone numbers to access their grant money. You must have a cell phone with a registered cell phone number and proof of identification. The cell phone number must be registered to your name as this is how Sassa verifies that the grant money is going to the correct beneficiary.

Checkers, Pick n Pay & Boxer Stores

In trying to find more ways for beneficiaries to collect their grant and to make SASSA grant payments easier, SASSA has announced that beneficiaries can access their grant by visiting a Checkers, Boxer or Pick n Pay store. You will not be able to collect your grants at BP Pick n Pay Express, Pick n Pay Clothing and Pick n Pay Liquor stores.

Beneficiaries need to wait for an SMS saying that their grant is ready for collection before heading to the store. Retailers need to ensure that they have enough cash flow to make grant payments, so do not go until you have received a confirmation SMS.

Shoprite Group

The Shoprite Group has now made it possible for grant holders to fetch their grant payments at any of their 1 286 supermarkets across South Africa, which includes Checkers, USave, OK and Shoprite stores. 

You would need to provide your ID and cell phone number. Beneficiaries need to ensure that this must be the same cell phone number that they used to register on the Sassa database, as a confirmation pin will be sent to this number to prevent any fraud. 

What Are The Eligibility Requirements For A Sassa Grant?

  • South African citizenship or permanent residency.
  • Residing within the borders of South Africa.
  • Age requirements:
  • Older persons grant: 60 years and older.
  • Disability grant: Under 18 years or older than 18 but unable to work due to a disability.
  • Child support grant: Caregivers of children under the age of 18.
  • Foster child grant: Foster parents or caregivers of foster children.
  • Means test: The applicant's income and assets must fall below a certain threshold to qualify.
  • Not receiving any other social grant from the government.
  • Application process: Complete and submit the relevant application form, along with the necessary supporting documents.
  • Compliance with SASSA regulations and procedures.

These grant payments are a lifeline for millions of South Africans struggling financially.

Related Article: How To Register For FNB Online Banking


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Who Is Eligible For SASSA Grants?

The South African Social Security Agency, what we know as SASSA, administers various kinds of grants to vulnerable South Africans. Many citizens in the country depend on these grants for their livelihoods.

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