Unisa is recognized worldwide as the longest standing university committed to distance education, and it enrolls close to a third of all higher education students in South Africa.
As an undergraduate student you will need to make lots of decisions at university, the most important decision being what course and qualification you want to obtain. At Unisa many options exist for you to choose from.
The following are courses you can choose to study at Unisa:
Accounting Studies
If you're good with numbers and love using it to draw conclusions, Unisa offers accounting sciences, internal auditing, management accounting and taxation courses for future accountants and financial advisors.
Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
If you're passionate about the environment and love learning about how to live sustainably, then you would enjoy courses such as, zoology, conservation, landscape horticulture, biochemistry, life sciences, environmental management and more.
Economic and Management Sciences
Are you entrepreneural and excited to start your own business? You can learn all you need to know about the business world through Unisa's courses such as, marketing, retailing, human resource management, administration, logistics and supply chain management.
If you enjoy teaching and assisting those around you then with a qualification from Unisa you can start your career in education. Unisa offers foundation, intermediate and senior phase study programmes for aspiring educators and lecturers.
Human Sciences
Do you enjoy inspiring and uplifting your community? A human science qualification can turn this into your career. You can get a higher certificate in social auxiliary work or a bachelor's degree in community development. If you're more interested in governance you can join a political leadership, international relations or government and administration course.
If you want to start practicing law, the options within this career path are quite broad. For example criminal justice, corrections management, policing and forensic sciences all fall under the legal sector and are offered at Unisa.
Science, Engineering and Technology
The following fields of study form part of the STEM subjects cluster which is expected to grow in demand as digital technology is becoming more prominent in the world. You can earn a qualification in mathematics, statistics, computing informatics, physics and chemistry in preparation for this shift.