The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) provides financial assistance in the form of social grants to South Africans who are vulnerable to poverty. One of these grants is the SASSA Grant In Aid.
The Grant in Aid is used to assist with medical bills, nutritious food purchases, and compensating the person taking care of the frail, in addition to another grant.
The requirements to qualify for this grant are as follows:
- The applicant must be in receipt of a grant for Older Persons.
- Disability grant or a War Veteran's grant, and require full- time attendance by another person.
- Owing to his/her physical or mental disabilities.
- Must not be cared for in an institution that receives subsidy from the State for the care/housing of such beneficiary.
Those who qualify for this grant will receive an amount of R460 per month.
When you go to the SASSA Offices to apply for this grant you need to bring the following documents with you:
- your 13-digit bar-coded identity document (ID)
- proof of your marital status and spouse’s identity where applicable
- medical report or assessment report (less than three months old) that shows that you need full-time care.