After the State of Disaster was lifted in South Africa, a new regulation had to be introduced in order to facilitate the continuation of the R350 grant.
The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa), which oversees applications for the R350 SRD grant, has expressed how pleased they were, having concluding the process of the new regulation.
According to the Social Assistance Act, an individual’s monthly threshold ought to be R350.
Other requirements mean that the following people are also eligible to apply for the grant:
(a) a person who is-
(i) a South African citizen; or
(ii) a permanent resident; or
(iii) a refugee; or
(iv) a holder of a special permit under the Special Angolan Dispensation, the Lesotho Exemption Permit Dispensation or Zimbabwe Exemption Permit Dispensation; or
(v) an asylum seeker, whose section 22 permit or visa is valid; and
(b) registered on the Department of Home Affairs database or registered on the Agency’s social grant database with a unique system generated identifying number for people without identity documents; and
(c) between the ages of 18 and 60; and
(d) currently residing within the borders of South Africa;
(e) not a resident in a government-funded or subsidized institution; and
(f) not unreasonably refuse to accept employment or educational opportunities.
It has been reported that each month, clients will undergo the special Covid-19 SRD grant means test to ensure that the beneficiary still qualifies for the grant.
Sassa has confirmed that it will do so by using financial banks to conduct its means test.
Additionally, clients have been advised to check the website after every 3 months to answer a few questions that help the Agency know whether the individual still needs the grant.