WeThinkCode_ Alumni, Naledi Matutoane, loved working with computers and tech from a very young age, and was able to learn basic website building using JavaScript at school, which made her even more passionate about the subject.
Naledi has always been drawn to technology and biology, especially space tech as she’s fascinated by astronomy. She applied to study Computer Science, Biology and Astrophysics at University, but then heard about WeThinkCode_ and their non-conventional learning environment, and decided to chase her passions there instead.
I found out about WeThinkCode_ from my mom, who heard an interview with one of the co-founders, Arlene, on 702. She was inviting young listeners to a Women's Day initiative, so I attended that open day and decided to give it a try!
But it wasn’t all smooth sailing for Naledi, “I had a rough start to my WTC_ journey. It's not something that happens anymore thanks to the curriculum change, but I failed my first bootcamp and my first year. I didn't realise how much time and dedication was needed to accomplish what I wanted. Also, to be honest, I had a very lazy attitude towards learning. After that first wake up call, I began to work harder and get into the flow of things. I thoroughly enjoyed my time on campus when I was given the chance to return.”
In fact, Naledi embraced being pushed out of her comfort zone, “I started off as a quiet, introverted person who didn't really talk to others (which won't do you any good in a peer-to-peer learning environment) and I grew to become more social. I owe my current successes and the person I've become today to the fact that I was forced to evolve as a person during my time at WTC_. “
Naledi did her internship at a company called SPARK Schools, which helps to provide low-cost, private school education for lower income families while teaching children online and in a real life environment.
Being an intern really helped with my work readiness. We also learned some soft skills as part of our WTC_ curriculum which made me feel more confident about my abilities when entering the workplace. I learned skills I didn’t even realise I needed!
At the moment, she’s honing her abilities, “When I'm not developing, I spend my nights streaming on Twitch. I'm about to sign as a streamer for a local e-sports organisation and I hope to use my presence in the e-sports streaming industry to educate and empower other women of colour within the South African tech, gaming and e-sports industries. I want to address the lack of representation and hope to grow myself and my brand to a point where I can use my influence to uplift others.” (Naledi’s Twitch channel is twitch.tv/AndrovaZA.)
Naledi strongly believes she wouldn't have grown and evolved to where she is without WTC_. “I came out a different person to who I was when I went in. And I've picked up such valuable life skills along the way. I've been able to realise my passions and I've found a niche for myself in the industries I have interests in. I was able to land myself a full time job by the age of 21 and I'm still learning every day!”