This is coding without the use of a computer or any technological device, done through fun yet educational ‘Unplugged Coding’ tools that aid in the upskilling of young people.
The lack of resources may have been the obstacle for most individuals, in an interview Code4Youth project coordinator, Professor Jean Greyling added:
Schools all over Africa often struggle with electricity and internet connectivity.
Teachers that have never worked on laptops and personal computers are easily intimidated by the devices, said Greyling.
Code 4 Youth
Code 4 Youth has exceeded its 10 000 target of learners who have been taught how to code using some of their coding applications.
The project has managed to reach 16 000 learners in a period of two months. The three apps that had been their primary focus are Rangers, Boats, and Tanks.
To explore courses and careers through Code 4 youth, click here.
Greyling also shared that not having technical staff to maintain the laboratories is also an issue.
Code4Youth was established to introduce coding to the youth but as there is a shortage of software developers in the country, the project is aiming for some learners to choose software development as a career.