We sat down with Chrissie to learn about her journey via Code College to change her career from real estate and tourism to Automation Software Engineer
Tell us about your days before studying coding at Code College
Before I studied through Code College, I never thought I could become a programmer or even just make a change to the IT industry. I was 34 years old and I predominantly worked in the Real Estate and Travel Industries.
I thought that only people with degrees could work in IT, so it was really just a dream.
What inspired you to study software development?
I was going through a major change in life and I knew I didn't want to work in the previous industries so I decided to take the plunge. I originally only enrolled for the Web Development course, but then close to the end Arnold convinced me to consider doing the full boot camp, and boy oh boy am I happy I did it.
Why Code College? What stood out about Code College?
I found code college on the internet, at first, I decided to contact them because they were one of the only colleges that had everything on their website. But I finally joined due to how the Code College staff were so attentive, and quick to respond and you could see how passionate they were about the IT industry.
Did you have to know basic coding to apply to Code College?
I did a few youtube and free online courses on HTML and CSS. The JavaScript I played with was just copied and pasted from Stackoverflow. I knew nothing of SQL, Javascript, any frameworks, existing tools or any other coding languages. And I was in my thirties - I knew nothing.
What was a typical day like in the Code College Java Bootcamp?
On Campus, we would all arrive, get our coffees and start up our engines. We would be sitting with the lecturer, working through the materials and practising as we get a chance.
After each module, you have a project that you have to submit. There was a lot of patience and no pressure if you did the work and you kept up. So if you did your part every day and focussed on what needed to be done, it would be a breeze.
On the days when I felt that I didn't understand the code or how to do the exercise, all I did was keep at it, and every single time it would click eventually. The support of the Code College staff was great, if you were stuck, they would point you in the right direction, but you still had to 'figure' it out and to be honest, in hindsight, this is the best thing they could have done, because that is how it works in real life.
What was the teaching style like at Code College?
Code College works through the course with you, but you do the work yourself. If you have any questions, you ask and if you need support, it is given.
This is a very good way to ensure you work through the material in a structured manner with support.
How did you connect with your cohort and instructors?
We used online communication tools when we were not in class
What did you actually learn in the Code College Coding Bootcamp?
I got an introduction to various languages (which is very necessary for any IT position), but the most value that I got out of the course was to understand OOP, and how apps are built. I modified a webpage, and became competent in: - Python - MySQL - ReactJS - and Java
What kinds of apps did you build in the Bootcamp and which was your favourite/s?
- A Property File Contact App. Spring Framework 5 (MVC web app), using Thymeleaf (Bootstrap, Bootstrap icons, jQuery) for the front-end, MySQL and implemented Spring Security and Spring Data.
- A Coronavirus tracker app. Spring Framework 5 (MVC web app), using Thymeleaf and Bootstrap for the front end, generated the data from a raw GitHub CSV file to keep the data current and available.
- A Login and Registration App. Spring Framework 5 (MVC web app) using Thymeleaf (Bootstrap, jQuery) for the front-end, MySQL to manage data, and implemented Spring Security and Spring Data (JPA/Hibernate).
- A Property Contact List. Spring Framework 5 (MVC-based web app), using Thymeleaf (Bootstrap) for the front-end, MySQL to manage data, and Spring Data (JPA/Hibernate).
- Applying practical Advanced Java Fundamentals like building a CRUD app with Java FX
- Applying data structure knowledge in Java to build a Soccer league app that records league matches and updates an overall scoreboard in real time.
- A simple Cocktail Recipe API App. I used ReactJS.
- A simple Weather searching API app. I used React and OpenWeather API.
- A simple Lotto Number Generator app using ReactJS, and Axios
- Designing a UML diagram of a relational database that implements normalization and table constraints.
How did Code College prepare you for the tech job hunt?
I received Interview Questions, CV prepping, and assistance in registering with external agencies as well as their own one, Compuways. I got my first interview with them, which was also my first job!
Which tech roles did you feel qualified to apply for after graduating?
To be honest, I applied for any junior programming jobs I could find.
Can you tell us how your career has progressed so far? And what your current role is like?
I took the first job I was offered, it was for a manual tester, but I knew I would work myself up and I had the skills. Within the first 10 days, I automated their API tests using Postman and Javascript (which I could have never done if I didn't study through Code College), 6 months later, I had automated 40% of their UI using C# and Selenium, I created an HTML interactive manual using and built PowerBI dashboards.
I then moved on to become a Test Analyst with an Insurance Software Company - within 8 months I was promoted to Automation Engineer by creating a Framework from scratch for my interview with the knowledge I have learned from Code College and I am coding every day, writing a project to test other projects.
My salary has increased by 140% in the last 12 months and I get more and more companies requesting to discuss opportunities with me.
Tell us about your interviews. What were the employers interested in?
A show of skill is very necessary. Practice, create small little projects as many as you can, and push them to Github, not only will you improve your coding skills, but you will demonstrate that you are eager to work.
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