There is also the promise of significant financial rewards, with starting salaries being higher than most other professions.
IT professionals today must combine business savvy with technical skills and be capable of designing and implementing state-of-the-art solutions aligned to enterprise business strategies. They must be able to build strategic partnerships, develop change management strategies and lead complex project teams.
As computing platforms evolve from PCs to internet appliances, from wired networks to wireless environments, from desktop computers to laptops and palmtop devices; as businesses expand their operations into global markets; as the demand for information increases; as more people turn to the internet for communication and entertainment - careers in IT will continue to grow in importance.
The information technology industry offers a variety of career options for individuals who have strong technical expertise as well as skills in communication, management and leadership. In fact, it is often said that IT professionals work in three distinct areas: hardware (the physical components of computers and networks); software (the programming that controls how these components function); and services (the development and coordination of these hardware, software and networking solutions).
If you are interested in computers, concerned with the ethical and social implications of information technology, have strong analytical skills, or enjoy solving problems, a career in Information Technology (IT) may be for you.