The increasing sophistication of cyber attacks require companies to invest in countermeasures; however, those who lack knowledge and experience in protecting large-scale systems are likely to be overwhelmed by the complexity and scale of attacks. This means that employers need to seek out professionals from a field like cyber security.
In addition to employment opportunities, many people go into this field because it offers exciting opportunities for innovation and creativity. With increasing reliance on technology, there are endless possibilities for new innovations and applications.
Cyber security is not dying, it is alive and well.
Studying Cyber Security
Cybersecurity professionals are currently in such short supply. As a result of the shortage, there is no doubt that the value of a degree in cyber security will continue to rise. As stated above, shortages will force employers to pay higher salaries because there simply aren't enough qualified candidates out there.
Cyber security degrees also offer a wide variety of career paths, from cyber forensics to information assurance and cyber law (cyber lawyers), computer networking and many more. A degree in cybersecurity can be tailored to your needs based on your interests and personal goals which will make you more marketable when it comes time to finding a job or even starting your own company.
Another reason why a degree in cyber security is worth the investment is because it carries so much weight with employers after graduation. Employers want candidates who have real world experience under their belt.
The most common question people ask themselves when considering a new career path is how much will I make? The salary you earn in any profession is often related to your knowledge, experience and certifications.
As the internet continues to grow, so will the demand for cyber security professionals.