A question you might ask yourself as you get older is 'How Do I Choose A Career?'. Here are some tips.
Natural strengths
The first thing that is important to think through are your Natural Strengths.
These can be things you don't always see right away but they are the things that come easy to you. It's the things you can work effortlessly on for hours at a time and still have plenty of energy.
One of the ways that you can identify whether you're not working in your natural strengths is when you're constantly tired or frustrated or drained, or worn out with your work.
That's a good indicator that you're working in an area that's not your strength and so it's taking a lot of mental and physical energy from you.
If you want to really understand and discover your natural strengths then ask somebody who knows you well, you might often times be surprised with the answer.
The second thing to take into consideration is your personality type
This is where often times where we go wrong because we follow where the money is instead of concentrating on what we are good at. We think this will be a good stable job, it will provide lots of money for my family and all we see is the lifestyle that we want to create. But what happens is, we end up frustrated because we're trying to become something that we're really not.
Lastly we need to keep in mind is our passions or interests
Your passions really are were your natural interests are. How do you know what these are? Often you can use the illustration of walking into a book store, as you walk in what section or area do you gravitate towards? What books do you like to read through? Those can be an indication of your passions and interests. So if you gravitate towards the computer or information technology section, or the arts and culture section that can highlight to you what you enjoy.
So how do we pull all this information together? Take all three of the things mentioned above; your strengths, personality type and passions and see where all three of these intersect. This will help you find your 'sweet spot', helping you find something that energises you, that you can work for hours doing, that interests you and that you are good at. This is the career that you'll enjoy doing and is something you'll be excited about waking up and going to work for.