CAPS Matric Past Papers: Visual Arts


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Today we bring you CAPS Matric past papers for Visual Arts. Matric past papers are a great way to prepare for your Matric final exams.

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As the Matric exam season approaches and Matric learners aim to get good Matric results, being prepared is of utmost importance.

Past papers don't only count as a good way to revise but it also gives you a feel of what's to come with your Matric final.

What Are Matric Past Papers?

Matric past papers are tests or exam papers that have been written in previous years. If you are in matric, these can help you prepare for your finals. They will help you understand the structure of question papers, and familiarise yourself with what to expect in your exam. 

Past papers allow learners to review and consolidate their knowledge of the subject. By attempting questions from previous exams, students can identify areas where they need further study and practice. It helps them focus on specific topics and concepts that are likely to appear in the current year's exam.

Past Matric exam papers include papers for the National Senior Certificate and the Senior Certificate. 

Visual Arts 

Visual Arts covers a broad field of creative practice that involves the hand, the eye, the intellect and the imagination in conceptualising and creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks which reflect the aesthetic, conceptual and expressive concerns of individuals or groups.

Visual Arts is about self-expression and offers one a way to engage meaningfully with, and respond to, the world. It provides opportunities to stimulate and develop your intellect, engaging your creative imagination through visual and tactile experiences and the innovative use of materials and technology in realising your ideas.

It also encourages you to develop an individual visual language and literacy, which is informed and shaped by the study of visual culture, past and present.

Here Are Matric Past Papers For Visual Arts

November 2023

May/June 2023




Why Should Learners Use Past Papers?

Familiarity with Exam Style

Past papers give learners an opportunity to become familiar with the style and format of the matric exams. They can get a sense of the types of questions asked, the level of difficulty, and the structure of the exam. This familiarity helps reduce exam anxiety and allows students to approach the actual exam with confidence.

Content Revision

Past papers cover a range of topics and concepts that are typically included in the matric exams. By practicing with past papers, learners can revise and reinforce their understanding of the subject matter. It helps them identify areas where they need further study and practice.

Application of Knowledge

Past papers require learners to apply their knowledge to solve problems and answer questions. This application-based approach helps students develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and enhances their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Time Management Skills

Attempting past papers under timed conditions helps learners develop effective time management skills. They learn how to allocate their time wisely to each section or question, ensuring they complete the paper within the given time frame. This practice improves their speed and helps them avoid time-related stress during the actual exam.

Identification of Weak Areas

By working through past papers, learners can identify their weak areas and areas where they commonly make mistakes. This self-assessment allows them to focus on those areas during their study and revision, ensuring they have a thorough understanding of all the necessary topics.

Exam Technique and Strategy

Past papers provide an opportunity for learners to develop effective exam techniques and strategies. By reviewing the solutions and marking criteria, students can understand the expectations of examiners, learn how to structure their answers, and gain insights into the level of detail and depth required for each question.

Confidence Building

Regular practice with past papers builds learners' confidence. As they become more familiar with the exam format and content, and as they see improvements in their performance over time, their confidence in their abilities grows. This confidence translates into better performance during the actual exam.

When To Do Past Papers For Matric?

If you are looking to increase your final term or year mark, then old exam papers can be useful. After you have studied everything you need to know, you can challenge yourself by doing past papers. 

Normally, it is better to try doing past papers two weeks before your set exam date. That way you can refresh your memory and revise all work studied. 

Tips On Using Past Papers 

Being a matric learner means that you are under pressure. Finding ways to study smart and effectively will help you pass your exams. These few tips will help you use your resources effectively: 

  • Prepare to write the past papers like you are writing your actual exams
  • Work through past papers with the help of your notes if necessary
  • Set the time to work through past papers 
  • If the exam is 1 hour 30 minutes, then you should also work through it using that time frame
  • Check your answers to the questions

Are there Advantages Of Using Past Papers?

There are loads of benefits of using matric past exam papers when studying. Since you’ll become more familiar with how the questions are set, you’ll feel more confident when you take your seat in the exam. Advantages of studying using past papers include:

  • You find out what you know and what you still have to focus on 
  • Helps you set time for each section 
  • Prepares you for your exams
  • Getting familiar with the exam instructions
  • Grasp different style questions 

Make the most out of your resources and use our tips on how to use matric past exam papers.

Are The Disadvantages Of Using Past Papers?

Using past exam papers to study is detrimental if not done right. Some disadvantages include: 

  • Students rely on past papers only to study
  • Past exam papers do not focus on all the content
  • Some past papers may contain older information that is not studied any more
  • Past papers tend to make you believe that you will see the same questions in your exam

When using past papers, it's important for learners to approach them as realistic exam simulations, attempting the questions under timed conditions and following the instructions. They should also use them in conjunction with other study materials, textbooks, and classroom lessons to ensure comprehensive exam preparation.

Conclusion About Past Exam Papers 

Matric past exam papers serve as valuable study resources for high school students preparing for their final exams. These past exam papers are usually provided by educational institutions, examination boards, or published online. By making use of these past exam papers, students can gain insights into the exam format, question types, and difficulty levels, enabling them to better focus their revision efforts.

One significant advantage of using past exam papers is that students can gauge their readiness for the upcoming exams. By attempting these practice exams under timed conditions, learners can assess their proficiency in different subject areas and identify any weak points. This self-assessment empowers them to develop targeted study plans, focusing on topics that require further attention.

Moreover, past exam papers encourage students to apply their knowledge practically. Rather than merely memorising facts and concepts, learners must demonstrate their understanding by answering questions and solving problems. This application-based approach not only enhances comprehension but also hones critical thinking and analytical skills, which are vital for success in any academic or professional pursuit.

The familiarity gained from repeatedly practising with past exam papers can significantly reduce exam anxiety. As students become accustomed to the exam format and expectations, they feel more confident and composed during the actual exams. This enhanced confidence can positively impact their performance, as they are better able to recall information and concentrate on answering questions effectively.

It is essential for students not to rely solely on past exam papers for their preparation. While they offer valuable practice, they should be used in conjunction with textbooks, class notes, and other study materials. Past exam papers are a tool for revision and assessment, not a replacement for comprehensive learning.

Furthermore, educators play a crucial role in guiding students on the proper use of past exam papers. Teachers can provide advice on time management during exams, strategies for tackling different question types, and techniques for effective revision. This guidance ensures that students maximise the benefits of past exam papers as part of their overall study approach.

In conclusion, Matric past exam papers are invaluable resources for high school students preparing for their final exams. They provide a platform for self-assessment, content revision, and application of knowledge. By incorporating past exam papers into their study routine and seeking guidance from educators, students can boost their confidence, refine their exam techniques, and approach their exams with greater assurance and readiness.

Where to Find Past Papers 

If you are looking for previously written Matric papers, there are a few websites where you can get these. These are some websites you can visit:


Matric past paper

How Do You Pass Matric?

You pass Matric by obtaining one of the four Matric Pass Levels. These are: 

  • Bachelor’s Degree Pass
  • Diploma Pass
  • Higher Certificate Pass
  • National Senior Certificate Pass

Study tips

Here are some study tips to help you prepare for the exams:

  1. Have all your materials ready before you begin studying – pencils, pens, highlighters, paper, etc.
  2. Be positive. Make sure your brain holds onto the information you are learning by reminding yourself how important it is to remember the work and get the marks.
  3. Take a walk outside. A change of scenery will stimulate your learning. You’ll be surprised at how much more you take in after being outside in the fresh air.
  4. Break up your learning sections into manageable parts. Trying to learn too much at one time will only result in a tired, unfocused and anxious brain.
  5. Keep your study sessions short but effective and reward yourself with short, constructive breaks.
  6. Teach your concepts to anyone who will listen. It might feel strange at first, but it is definitely worth reading your revision notes aloud.
  7. Your brain learns well with colours and pictures. Try to use them whenever you can.
  8. Be confident with the learning areas you know well and focus your brain energy on the sections that you find more difficult to take in.
  9. Repetition is the key to retaining information you have to learn. Keep going – don’t give up!
  10. Sleeping at least 8 hours every night, eating properly and drinking plenty of water are all important things you need to do for your brain. Studying for exams is like strenuous exercise, so you must be physically prepared.

What To Do On Exam Day

  1. Make sure you have all the necessary stationery for your exam, i.e. pens, pencils, eraser and calculator (with new batteries). Make sure you bring your ID document and examination admission letter.
  2. Arrive on time, at least one hour before the start of the exam.
  3. Go to the toilet before entering the exam room. You don’t want to waste valuable time going to the toilet during the exam.
  4. Use the 10 minutes reading time to read the instructions carefully. This helps to ‘open’ the information in your brain. All questions are compulsory, unless indicated otherwise, but you do not have to answer them in order. Start with the question you think is the easiest to get the flow going.
  5. Break the questions down to make sure you understand what is being asked. If you don’t answer the question properly you won’t get any marks for it. Look for the key words in the question to know how to answer it.
  6. Try all the questions. Each question has some easy marks in it so make sure that you do all the questions in the exam.
  7. Never panic, even if the question seems difficult at first. It will be linked to something you have covered. Find the connection.
  8. Manage your time properly. Don’t waste time on questions you are unsure of. Move on and come back if time allows.
  9. Check weighting – how many marks have been allocated for your answer? Do not give more or less information than is required.
  10. Write big and bold and clearly. You will get more marks if the marker can read your answer clearly.

What Can I Do After Matric?

Matric is such a high-pressure year, and the emphasis that is placed on learners’ academic outcomes is immense. As a result, it is likely that their stress and anxiety levels will be much higher during these exams than they would under normal circumstances.

There are several things to do once you have completed your matric, here are some options:

  • Further your studies at a university, TVET college or private college
  • Join a learnership or internship
  • Find an entry-level job
  • Take a gap year 

Here's 5 Tips To Help Manage Stress During Exams:

  1. MOVE - Learners should take breaks in-between study session to move around. Walk around the block, dancing, skip rope, do some stretching. Even if it’s only for a few minutes at a time, movement is important because not only energises the brain, but it also destresses you.
  2. EAT – Stress affects your appetite, with some not eating regular whilst others are eating too much, this is common behaviour during exam season. A balanced diet is so crucial during exams. It is important to eat consistently and to stay hydrated so that their brains function optimally.
  3. SLEEP – Matriculants need to get enough sleep so that their brain can retain all the information learnt. Pulling all-nighters and cramming content for nights on end in an attempt to be as prepared as we can, might seem like a good idea, but that lack of sleep does catch up. Creating an exam study schedule that factors in sleep is crucial.
  4. MINDFULNESS – There are many benefits to mindfulness meditations, YouTube has tons guided meditations that focus on increasing positivity, clearing the mind, concentration and decreasing stress. Guided meditations can be used to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
  5. BREATHE – Breathing excises help calm the mind. A really good breathing exercise is the 4-7-8 Breathing technique. It deescalates a calmed nervous system and it is good for Insomnia.

How To Prepare for Life After Matric

  • Get to know yourselfThe most important step you can take is to learn about your own likes, dislikes, and interests. Get curious about who you are. Remain open to experiences, speak to people in different careers and take note of what sparks your interest. 
  • Define your values: What do you want out of life? What is important to you? What kind of lifestyle would you like to lead in the future? In order to know what steps to take now, you need to have an idea of where you are headed. You don’t have to have all the answers but start exploring what your priorities are. 
  • Find a mentor: Having someone you look up to guiding you in life will help you in the long run. You could choose a mentor in the career field you want to pursue or someone who has general life experience. A mentor can help you grow as a person and connect you with people in their network.
  • Do your research: Don’t make assumptions about jobs/career/tertiary institutions based on others’ opinions. It is important to do your own research as you can easily be influenced by what your peers think and often this is not based on facts. Also remember that someone that’s right for someone else may not necessarily be best for you. 
  • Take action steps: If you sit back and watch your future unfold without taking intentional steps, you will land up being swept up into anything. You are the expert on yourself and need to take small steps towards your goals.  


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Finding a study technique that works for you takes trial and error. If you’ve gone through most of your school career without finding a study technique, you might want to buckle down on at least one before you take your matric exams. 

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Post-Matric Options


We helped you with past papers for your matric exams, so hopefully you are happy with your Matric results. So now you are faced with a lot of post-matric options that can shape your future paths. You might want to study law, teaching, or nursing. Of course studying is expensive so we have helpful advice about student loans, NSFAS bursaries, Fundi loans, ISFAP, and lots of other funding options.

These options range from pursuing higher education at universities , TVET Colleges or  private colleges, finding student accommodation, entering vocational training programs (like Learnerships and internships), joining the workforce, or even starting your own business. There are so many choices but we are here to help.


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