Pursuing part-time work can be very rewarding, because not only do you have time to pursue other things whilst you earn money, such as educational pursuits or hobbies, but part-time work can also eventually lead to fulltime employment.
Where can I find a part-time job?
Though fulltime work may be the ultimate goal, pursuing part-time work on a long-term basis is also a viable option. Here are some part-time opportunities available for those who wish to earn an income on a long-term basis, and not have to work under another figure of authority:
- If you are computer savvy, then one way to start supplementing your income with a part time job is to use your technology skills in the delivery of a service. You could promote your computer training services and consider teaching classes through organisations in your community which offer adult educated courses.
- If you are creative, you can try creating your own custom jewellery and accessories. Many people make their own jewellery from a variety of different materials ranging from sterling silver to clay. One of the best ways to promote your jewellery is at markets, craft shows, fairs and festivals. This type of part-time work could merge your passion with your profession whilst you pursue other avenues.
- If you are skilled at writing and looking to work from the comfort of your own home, you might want to consider freelance online writing as a part time job. Freelance online writing requires you to have a good command of the English language, as well as a stable internet connection. There are many freelance writing websites both nationally and internationally for you to find work.
- Becoming a personal trainer or martial arts instructor are ideas to consider if you are passionate about exercise and fitness. You can teach classes to smaller or bigger groups of people or children, or alternatively, you can offer one-on-one lessons.
- House sitting is another way for you to make money on a part-time basis. It is highly advisable to build up a list of credible references you can share with potential employers. You can either put your own ads on free classified websites in your city or
There is no pressure to earn fulltime employment if you feel content with the part-time work that you end up pursuing, especially since part-time work can be just as rewarding to some people as fulltime work could be. However, it is important to note that being successful on a part-time income will take extra effort.