The most effective entrepreneurs I know have not been motivated primarily by making money (though they often do well financially). They've wanted to have a positive impact on things they care about.
That's what motivates them every day, even when times get tough. You can't fake this motivation, or acquire it overnight; at least I can't. So if you don't have it yet, better start acquiring it!
Is Becoming An Entrepreneur Difficult?
My answer: It depends.
It depends on your definition of hard. If you're someone who is used to working for a company, and your day consists of going to work at 9, taking lunch at 11, taking a break at 3 again, and leaving at 5 to go home - then yes. It will be hard.
Many people think it is.
They're wrong.
Well, not totally wrong. As with any pursuit, there's a learning curve. Whether you're starting a restaurant, joining the Marines, or learning to code, there's always a period of getting the hang of things.
But it will come to you quickly. The key is to get started and not quit.
Those who are successful are persistent when others give up. If you don't give up, you're ahead of most people already.
Why Do Most Entrepreneurs Fail?
Money is one reason some entrepreneurs fail. They run out of money before they can make any back. It's important to have enough capital to last 6 months - ideally 1 year - before your business starts generating revenue.
Another reason is that they don't know what they're doing (they haven't put in their hours). But if they stick with it, they'll figure it out eventually and become successful.
Most people fail because they never start anything in the first place. They have a million excuses: I don't have enough money; I don't know what I'm doing; I can't do this alone; someone else already does this better than me. Put the excuses aside and just start.
Advice For Entrepreneurs
Most people give up on their dreams too soon. They abandon them when they're right on the brink of success - because they were afraid of failure, or some other reason that seemed good at the time, but later when they looked back at it, made no sense at all.
So if you're thinking about becoming an entrepreneur, don't give up. There are plenty of entrepreneurs who started out as programmers and made millions or billions of dollars in the process. Some even started out as salesmen and ended up making millions or billions in the process!