The South African Police Service has a bit of a complicated process for application as joining the police needs physical, mental and emotional endurance. This process of application starts with the requirement to fill in an application form before anything else can start.
To access the Saps application form for a post on the force, one would have to begin by visiting the official Saps government website in order to find a link to the Saps application form which is required to be filled out for the applicant to be taken into consideration.
The first page of the application will require that the applicant fill in information such as their name, the vacant post for which they would be applying and details about their current employment.
The second page stipulates rules to be adhered to in relation to the application, including what needs to be attached to the form, which includes a copy of the applicant’s ID, their CV, and so on. This page is also dedicated to the applicant’s personal details which continue into the third page.
Page three also features space for applicants to fill in their educational qualifications, driving capabilities and language proficiencies, disabilities, and health.
Page four requests that the applicant fill in their reasons for termination from a previous post (if applicable), potential conflict of interest, and past criminal offences.
Page five requests that the applicant fill in past career promotions and developments, such as training for example.
Page six requires the applicant to fill in details regarding previous working experience, work references, and a form to certify these references continues onto page seven. The end of each page requires initials from the applicant.
Once the applicant has completed each page on the application form and has attached all necessary documentation, the application will be ready for submission.