Should you be interested in applying for a job in government, make sure that your CV is in the right format and that you do meet the requirements for the job that you are applying for.
Your job application must to be accompanied with the latest Z83 form, with the required fields filled in.
Vacancies in all government departments and provincial governments are listed on the Department of Public and Administration website, for the latest circular, click here.
Alternately jobs are also posted in the Vuk'uzenzele newspaper, also on online platforms such as LinkedIn, on which you need to make sure all your documents such as an updated CV are on it and that your profile is aligned with what is needed on this professional platform.
After finding the job of your choice, the following steps apply to individuals:
New users - click on the Department of Labour’s work-seeker database.
Register your profile by filling in your details, log in to search for job opportunities to apply for.
Existing profile - Log in to the e-recruitment system using your log-ins (ID number and password) and then click on submit.
After this step, you will then access available government jobs along with their requirements.
It is also important that you regularly check for available vacancies once registered.