Study Tips


Hey Matrics, 

As you head into your final exams, know that we at the Careers Portal are rooting for you! We fully support you and one of the ways we would love to show you our support is by providing you with helpful resources to assist you along your journey. 

The Careers Portal provides resources dedicated to making your matric year easier. We want to make sure that all students have an easy and convenient way to gain access to the resources they need in order to succeed during their exams.

You’ll be able to find everything you need from matric rewrite, matric results, study guides, matric past papers, to tips, advice and more.

The key to succeeding in your exams is to have a game plan and to stick to it. Remember, having a plan for before, during and after your exams can wipe away that feeling of not being in control.

As schoolchildren and university students in South Africa prepare for and begin to write their year-end exams, it’s important for them (and their parents) to ensure they get quality sleep. By prioritising sleep, students are more likely to perform well academically and be able to manage stress during exams, as well as their physical and emotional well-being.

Effective preparation can go a long way in ensuring your success in examinations. Here's how Studyclix is helping learners pass matric exams. 

Effective studying is an art that combines strategy, discipline, and understanding of one's learning style. Whether you're embarking on your study journey for the first time or seeking to refine your existing study habits, let this guide be your roadmap to success. 

The final exam season of the year is almost here, and it’s not unusual for a sense of dread to creep in.  It’s not just the learners who are under duress; exam time can be stressful for families and the school community.  Parents and teachers want to provide the right support, but it’s not always clear what that should be.

One of the most effective ways to prepare for your Matric exams is by working through as many past papers as you can. After all, practice makes perfect.

As the daunting exam season is upon you, it is imperative to equip ourselves with effective study strategies. The Aleit Academy drew up a collection of essential study tips, tailored to the formal academic setting of tertiary education life.

Even though the stress of studying for your exams and the pressure of writing them may be over, the anticipation of waiting for results may not be. Careers Portal sat down with the Students' Health and Welfare Centres Organisation to discuss some tips that may help you cope with the stress and anxiety that often come with awaiting exam results.

Headlines such as “Experts warn of low matric pass rates for 2020” are now in the media, and adding fear into a situation that already feels tense, as well as causing anxiety to students who have had so much to cope with already. Below, we note some quick and effective study tips from an interview with Dr Linda Meyer, Operations and Sector Support at Universities South Africa. 


Studying for exams is an inevitable part of life as a student, and one that can be daunting, stressful and tiring. However, there are some ways you can make this task a little easier.

Online schooling is on the rise in South Africa, and more families are opting for the flexibility and other benefits of at-home learning. However, it’s important for parents to be mindful of providing a child-friendly workspace that is conducive to learning. A safe, comfortable and well-organised environment is essential for your child to thrive at their online school.

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Post-Matric Options


We helped you with past papers for your matric exams, so hopefully you are happy with your Matric results. So now you are faced with a lot of post-matric options that can shape your future paths. You might want to study law, teaching, or nursing. Of course studying is expensive so we have helpful advice about student loans, NSFAS bursaries, Fundi loans, ISFAP, and lots of other funding options.

These options range from pursuing higher education at universities , TVET Colleges or  private colleges, finding student accommodation, entering vocational training programs (like Learnerships and internships), joining the workforce, or even starting your own business. There are so many choices but we are here to help.


Latest SASSA articles

The R370 grant is aimed at assisting unemployed adults living in South Africa. Here's the R370 grant eligibility criteria.. 

Knowing when you social grant will be paid is extremely helpful as it allows for planning. Here's a guide on how to find you Sassa grant payment dates. 

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Applying for your Smart ID Card has gotten even easier as you can now apply online via e-Home Affairs. Here is how to apply, upload documents and pay for your application all from the comfort of your own home.



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