The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) provides the NSFAS bursary which offers to cover all a student needs. This funding includes money for tuition and registration fees as well as several allowances for food, accommodation and learning materials.
If you applied and found that your NSFAS status is 'Funded', this article is for you as we will dive into what this NSFAS status means and what to do next.
What Your 'Funded' NSFAS Application Status Means
A 'Funded' NSFAS status means that NSFAS has approved you for funding. Congratulations!
Receiving a "Funded" status signifies you've met the eligibility criteria for NSFAS funding. This includes:
- South African citizenship or permanent residency
- Enrollment (or planned enrollment) at a public university or TVET college
- Financial need as determined by NSFAS assessment
However, there are key conditions you need to meet to make sure that NSFAS makes payments for your tuition and allowances
What To Do Next
After seeing this status, there are two more steps you need to take to start your journey as an official NSFAS funded student. They are as follows:
Registration: You must successfully register at your chosen university or TVET college when registration opens. NSFAS awaits confirmation from the institution to finalize your funding. Once they receive your registration data, they will soon commence with NSFAS payments.
Fund Availability: NSFAS relies on a designated budget. While your pre-approval is a positive sign, it's crucial that funds remain available for your specific academic year. NSFAS typically has a budget available to fund everyone.
Submit details: You will need to submit banking details to your institution/NSFAS to make sure they know where to transfer NSFAS funds for your allowances.
A "Funded" NSFAS status puts you one step closer to achieving your academic goals. By registering promptly and staying informed, you can secure the financial support you need to thrive in your educational journey.