SADTU Comments On Reopening Of Schools

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SADTU has recently released a statement after monitoring the reopening of schools to see whether schools are ready to reopen and begin with their learning and teaching.


The reopening of schools in the third term takes place with parents, teachers and learners having many uncertainties due to the incidences which took place recently. These incidences included arson damages, vandalism and break-ins of schools.

On 25 July, the South African Democratic Teachers' Union (SADTU) organized a meeting in KZN with all the education stakeholders for schools around Phoenix. The meeting was held to address the concerns of some teachers and parents about the recent killings in Phoenix.

The local Peace Committee, school governing body associations, MEC, Pinetown District officials, SAPS, local councillors, Child Welfare, and a few other organisations attended the meeting. 

The meeting was guided by the ‘I am a School Fan Campaign’. The union organised the meeting to help the stakeholders realise the necessity of working together to support schools and ensure that all are protected from any form of violence.

These stakeholders committed to implementing this campaign and vowed to care, protect and ensure that schools are safe havens where teaching and learning may take place without any disruption.

The union was comforted by the presence of soldiers and SAPS in the area as it provides "hope and encouragement that the government is concerned about the safety of citizens living in that area."

The stakeholders were pleased with the arrests of people alleged to have participated in the incidents which took place in Phoenix.

Primary schools are expected to welcome all pupils on the 2nd of August 2021, however, the majority of schools have not received PPE. 

In addition to the lack of PPE, many schools are not able to accommodate the return of all learners. Since learners are required to maintain social distancing of 1 to 1.5 metres at all times.

In order to welcome all learners back to school, the union requests for the department to attend to these issues. If these matters are not addressed, schools may not be able to reopen.

SADTU will continue to monitor schools and ensure that the department addresses the current issues.

Click here to read the full statement.

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